
Volar rerouting of the 1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery vascularized bone graft for middle and distal scaphoid nonunions - 24/08/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2021.102972 
Camilo Chaves a, b, Ghada Asmar a, Fanny Billac c, Marc-Olivier Falcone a, d,
a Ramsay Générale de Santé–Capio–Hôpital Privé Paul d’Égine, 4, avenue Marx Dormoy, 94500 Champigny-sur-Marne, France 
b Institut de la Main Nantes Atlantique, boulevard Charles-Gautier, 44800 Saint-Herblain, France 
c Université Paris Descartes, 15, rue de l’École de Médecine, 75006 Paris, France 
d Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, 21, rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris, France 

Corresponding author at: Ramsay Générale de Santé–Capio–Hôpital Privé Paul d’Égine, 4, avenue Marx Dormoy, 94500 Champigny-sur-Marne, France.Ramsay Générale de Santé–Capio–Hôpital Privé Paul d’Égine4, avenue Marx DormoyChampigny-sur-Marne94500France

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The bone graft vascularized by the 1,2 intercompartmental supraretinacular artery (1,2 ICSRA) placed on the scaphoid by a dorsal approach is a technique used to treat scaphoid nonunions with avascular necrosis of the proximal pole and without significant bone loss or carpus collapse. We present the results of patients treated with a volar rerouting of the 1,2 ICSRA graft under the tendons of the first extensor compartment to treat more distal scaphoid nonunions than the proximal pole. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical and radiological outcomes of patients operated with this technique with the hypothesis that it would allow to treat more distal nonunions than those of the proximal pole.

Patients and methods

This retrospective study involved patients treated by a volar rerouting of the 1,2 ICSRA graft for nonunions of the middle and distal thirds of the scaphoid. Assessments included clinical outcomes and radiological bone consolidation. QuickDASH and Mayo Wrist scores were computed. Range of motion and grip strength were evaluated for both the operated and the contralateral sides.


Nineteen patients were followed-up for 33 months (range: 6-75). Mean postoperative QuickDASH score was 10 (range: 0-45), and mean Mayo wrist score was 85 (range: 50-100). Flexion and extension, ulnar and radial deviations were statistically different between the affected and healthy sides (p<0,05). Consolidation was achieved in 17 patients (89%).


This technical modification allowed good functional outcomes and scaphoid consolidation. It expands the classic indications of the vascularized 1,2 ICSRA bone graft to more distal nonunions than the proximal pole.

Level of evidence


Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.

Keywords : Wrist, Scaphoid nonunion, 1,2 ICSRA, Vascularized bone graft, Zaidemberg


© 2021  Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 107 - N° 5

Articolo 102972- Settembre 2021 Ritorno al numero
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