
Intermittent catheterization in neurologic patients: Update on genitourinary tract infection and urethral trauma - 14/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/ 
X. Biardeau a, b, J. Corcos a,
a Service d’Urologie, Hôpital Général Juif, Université McGill, 3755, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal, QC, H3T 1E2 Canada 
b Service d’Urologie, Hôpital Claude-Huriez, Université Lille-Nord-de-France, Lille, France 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +(1) 514 340 8222; fax: +(1) 514 340 7559.

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Intermittent catheterization is considered the standard of care in most neurologic patients with lower urinary tract disorders. However, in this context, genitourinary tract infection and urethral trauma represent specific challenges. Such conditions have been found to significantly deteriorate quality of life and complicate subsequent treatments. Only optimal prevention associated with appropriate treatment allows for the long-term continuation of such bladder management. Here, we discuss the diagnosis and therapeutic and preventive approaches associated with genitourinary tract infection and urethral trauma in this specific population. This “state-of-the-art” article results from a literature review (MEDLINE articles and scientific society guidelines) and the authors’ experience. It was structured in a didactic way to facilitate comprehension and promote the implementation of advice and recommendations in daily practice. Genitourinary tract infection and urethral trauma associated with intermittent catheterization in neurologic patients should be managed with a global approach, including patient and caregiver education, optimal catheterization with hydrophilic-coated or pre-lubricated catheters and adequate use of antibiotic therapy.

El texto completo de este artículo está disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Self-catheterization, Complications, Prevention, Treatment, Genitourinary tract infection, Urethral trauma


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Vol 59 - N° 2

P. 125-129 - avril 2016 Regresar al número
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