
Artificial intelligence for oral and maxillo-facial surgery: A narrative review - 24/05/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.jormas.2022.01.010 
Simon Rasteau a, , Didier Ernenwein b, Charles Savoldelli c, Pierre Bouletreau a
a Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Facial Plastic Surgery, Stomatology and Oral Surgery, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon-Sud Hospital – Claude-Bernard Lyon 1 University, 165 Chemin du Grand-Revoyet, Pierre-Bénite 69310, France 
b Department of Pediatric Oral & Maxillofacial & Plastic Surgery, Children's Hospital Robert-Debré, Paris-Diderot University, Paris, France 
c University Institute of the Face and Neck, Côte d'Azur University, Nice University Hospital, 31 Avenue de Valombrose, Nice 06100, France 

Corresponding author.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies that simulate human cognition in order to address a specific problem. The improvement in computing speed, the exponential production and the routine collection of data have led to the rapid development of AI in the health sector.

In this review, we propose to provide surgeons with the essential technical elements to help them understand the possibilities offered by AI and to review the current applications of AI for oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS). The review of the literature reveals a real research boom of AI in all fields in OMFS. The algorithms used are related to machine learning, with a strong representation of the convolutional neural networks specific to deep learning. The complex architecture of these networks gives them the capacity to extract and process the elementary characteristics of an image, and they are therefore particularly used for diagnostic purposes on medical imagery or facial photography. We identified representative articles dealing with AI algorithms providing assistance in diagnosis, therapeutic decision, preoperative planning, or prediction and evaluation of the outcomes.

Thanks to their learning, classification, prediction and detection capabilities, AI algorithms complement human skills while limiting their imperfections. However, these algorithms should be subject to rigorous clinical evaluation, and ethical reflection on data protection should be systematically conducted.

El texto completo de este artículo está disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Deep learning, Artificial neural network, Computer aided diagnosis, Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Abbreviations : OMFS, AI, PR, CBCT, CNN, DFD, CT


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Vol 123 - N° 3

P. 276-282 - juin 2022 Regresar al número
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