
The Psychiatry consultation in primary health care setting at an Oporto Area: Sociodemographic and clinical data - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.361 
A. Dias Amaral , M.J. Peixoto, A. Cortiñas, S. Fonseca, R. Curral
 Centro Hospitalar de São João, Psychiatry and Mental Health Clinic, Porto, Portugal 

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The Psychiatry consultation is a collaborative approach between primary health care services and community mental health teams. Our clinic provides support to three Oporto areas (Bonfim/Paranhos, Campanhã and Maia/Valongo) corresponding to a population of 350,000 inhabitants.


To analyze and collect Psychiatry consultation data of the first semester of 2015 in Maia/Valongo region. We aim to describe our population's sociodemographic characteristics, the most common referral motive, diagnosis and therapeutics, and orientation.


Psychiatry consultation data of the first semester of 2015 were collected and analyzed using SPSS software (version 20).


One hundred and sixty-one patients were evaluated. A total of 26.09% were male and 73.91% were female. The mean age was 51.61 years old. The most frequent referral motives were depressive (47.82%) and anxiety (23.60%) symptoms. The two most common diagnostic groups according to the International Classification of Diseases (version 10) were F30-F39–Mood affective disorders (57.76%) and F40-F48–Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (18.63%). 22.36% of the patients were referred without medication, but only four were discharged drug-free, corresponding to bereavement situations. 34.16% of our population were previously prescribed two or more psychotropic drugs, increasing to 63.98% after assessment. Only 18.63% met criteria to hospital referral.


The Psychiatry consultation selects the most severe patients and allows a faster evaluation of mentally ill patients awaiting hospital consultation, thus preventing unnecessary access to the emergency room. Authors consider that all the patients referred to a hospital consultation should be previously evaluated by a consultant psychiatrist on a primary health care setting.

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© 2016  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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