
Health-seeking attitudes and existing support services for psychiatric trainees - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.529 
E. Conde 1, , A. Lomax 2, T. Santos 3, T. Pattyn 4, C. Skjødt 5

E.R.G. HELP Project6

1 Centro Hospitalar Baixo-Vouga, Departamento Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, Aveiro, Portugal 
2 University Hospital Lewisham, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Liaison Service, London, United Kingdom 
3 Centro Hospitalar Baixo-Vouga, Departamento de Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental, Aveiro, Portugal 
4 University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium 
5 Psykiatrisk Center Nordsjælland, Copenhagen, Denmark 
6 Switzerland 

Corresponding author.



Concern for medical doctors’ health has been widely recognized over the past ten years. EFPT is aware of the heterogeneity of support set up for doctors in distress, recognizing the need for further cross-Europe research.


The EFPT “HELP Project” was designed to investigate psychiatry trainees’ perceptions of and attitudes towards health seeking at a Europe-wide scale. Furthermore, it aims to determine what services are available in Europe specifically to support physicians’ health.


Multinational, cross-sectional survey conducted in 14 European countries between 2013 and 2014. Data collection was accomplished by an anonymous online or hard copy questionnaire. Completion implied consent to participate. Data was analysed using SPSS v20.0.


Of the respondent trainees, 57.7% were from developed economies; 46.2% under 30years; 26.9% males. Ninety-eight per cent said they would have surgery in the public sector, versus 42.3% who agree to get treatment there for an eating disorder, depression (28.8%) or addiction (17.3%). Trainees from developing economies were significantly less confident in using public sector help for mental health difficulties. When asked for advice regarding the same problems in their fellow trainees, they said they would recommend public sector help. Specific services for doctors exist in the UK, Spain, The Netherlands and Switzerland, but most trainees said there were no services locally.


The EFPT believes specialised physician health services are needed to ensure doctors seek help when necessary, while avoiding feeling stigmatised or punished in doing so. The authors plan to create a ‘survival guide’ for European trainees in distress, with collated information about local services for doctors.

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© 2016  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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