
Exploration of the link between clinical judgments and subjective perceptions of clinical change in patients treated for schizophrenia - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.626 
S. Egger , S. Vetter, S. Prinz, G. Weniger, M. Müller
 University hospital for psychiatry, ZIP- Rheinau, Zurich, Switzerland 

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Subjective perceptions of clinical change in patients with schizophrenia are often not congruent to the objective evidence of the same, especially since a lack of insight is part of the symptomatology. However, the exploration of the relationship between clinical judgments from mental health experts and the patients’ perception of symptom change is fairly understudied.

Aims and objectives

This study aimed to investigate the performance of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) as a tool for clinical outcome monitoring in schizophrenia in concordance with the change of self-reported psychopathology assessed with the Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire (FCQ) in patients with a schizophrenia.


A consecutive sample of patients admitted to a Swiss psychiatric hospital for schizophrenia was assessed with the FCQ at admission and discharge. The PANSS was rated by the responsible clinicians at admission and discharge. Complete data of admission and discharge were available from approximately 60 cases. Reliable change index (RCI) was calculated to determine a clinically meaningful change based on the PANSS scores. Logistic regression models were conducted to explore the link between RCI levels and the change of self-reported perceptions of psychopathology.

Results and xonclusions

Our study found no relationship between the change of PANSS and FCQ from admission to discharge in a sample of patients treated for schizophrenia. Therefore, our findings provide evidence for a large discrepancy between the observed clinical severity and the subjective perception of symptoms in individuals with schizophrenia.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Frankfurt Complain Questionnaire, Schizophrenia, Outcome monitoring, Subjective perception


© 2016  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S247 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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