
The agitated patient; need for mechanical restraint and prevention measures in relation to psychiatric diagnosis - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.754 
F. Dinamarca , L. Galindo, M. Grifell, E. Perez, V. Chavarria, P. Salgado, S. Perez
 Hospital Del Mar, Psychiatry service – INAD, Barcelona, Spain 

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Psychomotor agitation is a common psychiatric emergency in our environment that can occur in a wide clinical spectrum. Both the agitation itself as the procedures for their control, carry an implicit risk to patient safety and health workers.


To describe the prevention measures used in patients requiring mechanical restraint in relation to diagnosis of psychiatric disorders.

Material and methods

This is a naturalistic descriptive study. Mechanical restraints made in brief psychiatric hospitalization units of “Hospital del Mar” between January of 2013 to March of 2015, were analyzed by diagnosis. Proportions of the prevention intervention performed by nurses in each episode were compared. The groups of prevention interventions done were: “verbal approach”, “environmental measures”, “psychopharmacological intervention”, “observation increase” and “inability for applying any measure because unpredictability”.


A total of 2986 mechanical restraints were done in brief hospitalization units. Among the results, we find that verbal approach measure was use in 77.23% of patient with personality disorders. Environmental measures were used in 40% of the total of restraints. The most of psychopharmacological intervention was done in alcohol intoxication (50%) and then in psychotic spectrum (42.01%). The inability for applying measures was greater in alcohol intoxication (45.4%).


Some of the results of this study are interesting and consistent with clinical practice (for example, effectivity of pharmacological intervention in psychosis and bipolar disorders, as well verbal approach in anxiety, etc.), we can predict the usefulness of measures applied to prevent a mechanical restraint. Further research is needed in this topic.

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