
Tendency to stigmatization of mentally ill people by university students in the Czech Republic - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.757 
M. Holubova 1, 2, , J. Prasko 1, H. Klimusova 3
1 Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry-Palacky University Olomouc-University Hospital Olomouc, Department of Psychiatry, Olomouc, Czech Republic 
2 Regional Hospital Liberec, Department of Psychiatry, Liberec, Czech Republic 
3 Institute of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic 

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Mental illness is still surrounded by false myths, stereotypes and prejudices. Stigmatization is a social problem on a national and international level and may lead to discrimination.


Stigmatization has a negative impact on patient's life, treatment seeking, self-image, adherence and mental health recovery.


The aim of the study was to examined the tendency to stigmatization mentally ill people by university students in the Czech Republic.


The constructed questionnaire called Tendency to stigmatization TTS (Cronbach's alpha=0.952), demographic questionnaire and tentative shortened version of personality questionnaire NEO-PI-R were administered on Facebook offered to student groups.


The statistical analysis of data from 1350 students showed a relatively high tendency to stigmatization depending on age (stigma is lower with age), gender (women have a lower TTS than men), studied university, faculty, educational focus. The lowest rate of stigmatization had students of psychology. Students of economics, management, informatics and engineering disciplines stigmatize in a high degree. Social oriented students had the lowest TTS, technically orientated the highest. The TTS also depends on personal agreeableness (low-friendly students had a higher TTS) and neuroticism (mentally unstable students had slight TTS). Lower TTS had students who attended psychopathological/psychiatric subject at school, also students, who personally met or know somebody with mental disease and students with mental health problems (Table 1).


Our study suggests the importance of stigmatization already among university students according to their academic orientation. Understanding the process of stigmatization is important for future efforts to find possible solutions and de-stigmatization of mental illness in society.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S282-S283 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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