
Transformation of social networking sites’ usage patterns – a threat to health? - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1094 
A.R. Szczegielniak , K. Palka, K. Krysta
 Medical University of Silesia, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Katowice, Poland 

Corresponding author.



Internet as a vast global network, consisting of commercial, educational, informational and communicational facilities, has a huge impact on human behavior. Designed simultaneously by the needs of users and technical capacity, has become an addictive medium thanks to low cost of usage and broad availability. Social networking sites (SNSs) have a special place in the cyberspace. Due to the wide range of services, additionally differing on latitude, age and other variables, SNSs’ impact on a life of an average user is difficult to assess.


The study assess the changes between 2013 and 2015 in usage patterns and impact of the social networking sites on users with focus on possibility of dependence development and emphasis on gender differences.

Materials and methods

Anonymous questionnaire, available on-line, was prepared solely for the purpose of the study. Questions were related to the types and frequency of specific activities undertaken by the private profiles of users and based on pilot study conducted in January 2013.


The first stage (March–April 2013) consisted of 1248 respondents, the second stage (August–September 2015) gathered 1112 respondents. Research showed changes in age of users, type of information looked for and tools used to browse SNSs.


Private profiles are no longer used only for communication or personal expression; it is a new way of getting to know what is happening and sharing voices of communities. As a tool of making money, which is more and more visible, SNSs interfere with previous patterns of portals’ usage.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S319 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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