
Social media modulation of mood and anxiety in adolescents with chronic visible skin conditions - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1243 
J. Gagnon , A.M. Duchemin
 Ohio State University, Psychiatry, Columbus, USA 

Corresponding author.


Chronic skin diseases are often associated with psychiatric disorders, and psychological factors such as stress can affect the management of skin conditions. In adolescents, skin diseases can have a profound impact on body image, self-esteem and social interactions. Social media is a mode of communication increasingly used, especially among adolescents. It has been shown to have detrimental effect by the negative influence of peers through social network interactions as well as positive effects by allowing support and access to care. The posting of pictures of individuals by others in social media may make this mode of communication particularly distressful for teens with a visible skin condition; they cannot control the photos being shared with the group and are reminded of the visibility of their skin condition through these postings. To determine how social media may impact mental health and skin disease management in adolescents’ with chronic visible skin conditions, we conducted a survey of patients in the ambulatory setting. This cross-sectional study is based on an anonymous survey in teens, age 12 to 19, with various levels of chronic visible skin conditions. It explores the influences of social media on incidence and or severity of both psychiatric and dermatological health status as self-reported by patients. Acne, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis are often associated with poor quality of life even with moderate skin disease. Taking in account the impact of social media on these pathologies is especially critical among adolescents due to their wide use and relevance in this population.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S351 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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