
Most frequent clinic comorbibities in hospitalized patients in a psychiatric clinic - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1361 
J. Jaber , J. Veríssimo, Jr, T.T. Raposo, B. Reys
 Clínica Jorge Jaber, Saúde Mental, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

Corresponding author.



Being hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic, patients present, in addition to the diseases that determine the hospitalization, clinic comorbidities, generally decompensated.


To present the most frequent clinic pathologies in a population of hospitalized patients having diverse mental disorders and establish a protocol for investigation and their early treatment.


To know the most frequent pathologies in a population of hospitalized psychiatric patients and establish a protocol for their assesment, in a way that contributes to the global improvement of the patient health condition.


For its mission realization, the clinic counts on a multidisciplinary team. The participants were 762 patients, seen in the referred clinic, which presented a minimum period of hospitalization of 10 days and that were submitted to thorough clinic exam and complementary routine exams. The time frame referred to the period of March of 2012 to February of 2014, totalizing 24 months.


In the patients that had medical release after periods of hospitalization of, 90-day average, were obtained, in the totality of the cases, excellent evolution, evidenced by the improvement of the laboratory parameters.


The results were achieved in the hospitalization system with careful medicament administration, differentiated diets established in agreement with the patients, supervised physical activities and psychological and psychiatric support.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S379 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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