
Value in mental healthcare: The patient aspect - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.931 
Y. Cohen : Acting president
 GAMIAN-Europe, Azor, Israel 

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From the patients’ point of view, valued-based mental healthcare is mental healthcare based on a holistic vision of care, according to which patients are actively involved in their treatment to achieve the best possible outcomes. They are invited to collaborate with both mental health care providers such as psychiatrists and primary caregivers to determine what types of treatment are the most effective.

GAMIAN-Europe believes that the best package of care includes the following four elements:

– medication – antipsychotic medication is consensually regarded as first-line treatment for people with mental health problems;

– psychotherapy/counselling – although antipsychotic medications are the mainstay of treatment for mental health problems, pharmacotherapy alone produces only limited improvement in negative symptoms, cognitive function, social functioning and quality of life. Additionally, many patients continue to suffer from persistent positive symptoms and relapses, particularly when they fail to adhere to prescribed medications. These situations emphasize the need for multimodal care, which includes psychosocial therapies as adjuncts to antipsychotic medications in order to alleviate symptoms and to improve social functioning and quality of life;

– psycho-education – the more a patient learns about his/her condition the better placed he/she will be to take control of it. Psycho-education embodies this principle by using a clearly-defined therapeutic programme, in which a trained therapist delivers targeted information designed to reduce both the frequency and the severity of symptoms. Psycho-education increases patients’ knowledge and understanding of their illness and treatment options and helps them cope more effectively. Many people find that they benefit not only from the information they receive during psycho-education, but also from the learning process itself. There are several different ways in which psycho-education can be delivered, including one-to-one sessions with a therapist, sessions aimed specifically at carers and family members, group sessions attended by several people coping with mental illness and mixed group sessions attended by people with mental illnesses and family members;

– self-help – self-help groups offer patients a voice and an audience with the time and inclination to listen to patients’ concerns and reassure them and ease their anxiety. For example, a self-help group may be able to quell anxiety regarding side effects, to reassure the patient, from first-hand experience, that these side effects are transient, normal and non-threatening and will diminish over time. The real experts on living with a mental disorder are those who are already doing so. Therefore, most support groups are full of people who can share information about how they have managed to cope with their illnesses.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S54-S55 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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  • Treating adult ADHD and comorbid substance-related disorders
  • J.A. Ramos-Quiroga
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  • Value-based mental healthcare: The quality aspect
  • W. Gaebel

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