
Lessons learned from leading a Canadian psychotherapy medical education program - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1590 
G. Radu 1, , N. Harris 2, G.E. Harris 3
1 Memorial University, Department of Psychiatry, St. Clare's Mercy Hospital, St. John's, Canada 
2 Eastern Health, Psychology, St. John's, Canada 
3 Memorial University, Faculty of Education and Department of Psychology, St. John's, Canada 

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Under Canadian training requirements, psychiatry residents must demonstrate proficiency in various psychotherapy modalities such as cognitive behavior therapy and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.


Building from an earlier case study of the development of a comprehensive psychotherapy education program, the current presentation explores lessons learned from the ongoing delivery of this program to psychiatrists in training. Innovative strategies, opportunities, challenges and current outcomes on the delivery of this program are explored through a case study framework. The design, implementation and ongoing operation of the psychotherapy education program are based on the Royal College of Physicians of Canada specialty training requirements in psychiatry.


In the context of the case study framework, a Canadian psychotherapy training program for psychiatrists in training is analysed. The psychotherapy education model is designed and operated to offer a gradual and integrated educational and clinical experience in psychotherapy over four years of training.


The psychotherapy education program was investigated to explore new frameworks and innovative strategies of delivery and operation. Among the lessons learned were the need to maintain formally structured, modality specific teaching and supervision, video recording of sessions in supervision, provision of additional protected psychotherapy time, access to online training resources and utilization of non-physician mental health experts.


This presentation will investigate the ongoing insights emerging from managing delivery of different psychotherapy competencies to psychiatrists in training in a Royal College of Physicians of Canada accredited program. Implications for training, practice and future research will be discussed.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S437-S438 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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