
Neurofarmagen® testing and drug side effects: An evaluation of its use among a real-world case series - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1697 
F. Oliva 1, , A. Portigliatti Pomeri 2, G. Nibbio 3, M. Giuseppe 2
1 University of Turin, Department of Biological and Clinical Sciences, Orbassano, TO, Italy 
2 University of Turin, Department of Neurosciences “Rita Levi Montalcini”, Orbassano, TO, Italy 
3 University of Turin, Department Biological and Clinical Sciences, Orbassano, TO, Italy 

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Various pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics features have proven to be involved in the development of drug-induced side effects in psychiatry and thus pharmacogenetic profiling should be considered during drug selection to avoid the onset of side effects.


To explore the usefulness of Neurofarmagen® testing in clinical practice by evaluating whether the genetic profile given by the tool could properly explain the onset of side effects during antipsychotic treatment.


The pharmacogenetic profile of ten patients having a history of side effect appeared during to specific a psychopharmacologic treatment was determined by Neurofarmagen® testing tool. The relationship between genetic profile and side effects was evaluated and classified.


Sixty percent of the sample showed a genomic alteration related to a increased likelihood of having any side effects, one half of which presented pharmacokinetic alteration (slow or intermediate phenotype for the implicated cytochrome) whereas the other half had a pharmacodynamic gene variant (related to dopamine or serotonin pathway).


the Neurofarmagen® testing tool may be useful in the clinical practice in order to avoid drug-induced side effects.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S466 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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