
An innovative day centre in Athens with expertise in children neglect and abuse. A unique therapeutic intervention through the fog of economic crisis - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1764 
A. Kanellopoulos 1, , E. Marini 2, X. Antoniou 2, G. Nikolaidis 2
1 National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Evgenidion Therpaeftirion, Mental Health Care Unit, Athens, Greece 
2 Smile of the Child- Athens, Day Care Centre- The House of the Child, Athens, Greece 

Corresponding author.


The Day Centre “THE HOUSE OF THE CHILD” is a unique in Greece community unit providing customized clinical mental health services for therapeutic treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation of children and adolescents victims of abuse, neglect or domestic violence, as well as children or adolescents involved in cases of bullying. The Day Centre was founded by the non-profit voluntary organisation “THE SMILE OF THE CHILD”. The Day Centre's services are addressed to children and adolescents up to age of 18 who live either in residential care or in the community having a documented history of exposure to violence of any kind. Services are free of charge and are expanded to the following areas:

– early intervention-evaluation-counselling;

– diagnosis and treatment of the full range of child psychiatry disorders and issues of clinical attention;

– diagnosis and treatment of specific learning deficits and provision of speech therapy, οccupational therapy and special education support when needed;

– counselling for parents and carers of victimized children and adolescents;

– registering and statistical analysis of psychosocial rehabilitation needs arising from the child abuse incidents.

More general activities for raising awareness and sensitivization of the wider community in order to prevent all forms of child abuse and victimization.

The Day Centre's personnel comprises from a psychiatrist–scientific coordinator, three child psychiatrists, three clinical psychologists, a special educator, a speech therapist, a social worker, an occupational therapist and two administrators. This interdisciplinary therapeutic team undertakes a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic intervention scheme to address the complex disorders and wider psychosocial needs of children – victims.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S481 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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