
Sexuality and affectivity: Two themes in a psychosocial intervention for psychotics inpatients - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2106 
A. Vaccaro , C. Zoppellaro, V. Fusco
 Comunità TESEO, Crest, Milan, Italy 

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The aim of this project is about valuing these themes, not only in order to increase physiological genres knowledge or the responsible use of contraceptives, but is mainly about growing sexual psychosocial features awareness. Treating these themes in a psychoeducational intervention means: minimize sexually-transmitted diseases, prevent psychotic patients from quitting psychopharmacological treatment and favour the birth and the development of intimate relationships that may help patients leaving an unhelpful isolation condition.

Increase the awareness of different sexual and affection aspects: physiological, anatomic and reproductive, relational and communicative, emotional, social and cultural, playful and pleasant ones.

The 18 meetings interventions were done using a psychoeducational model; an active leading group manner (role plays and simulations) was used in order to ease the exchange of views between patients and the group leader.

We did a first round of meetings with ten patients who participated actively; we also submitted to them a questionnaire – before and after the intervention – in which we collected knowledge and opinions about different themes (contraceptives, risk awareness, affective relationships etc.).

From a qualitative analysis of the results we saw a knowledge-improvement about the dealt themes, and also, in some cases, we identified a modification in some problematic behaviours. The sample it's still too small for statistical analysis.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S568-S569 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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  • I. Rozentsvit
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  • Emotional management training in residential mental health services
  • A. Vaccaro, V. Fusco, F. Manfrin, E. Forte, G. Petagine

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