
Study of the contributory factors to metabolic abnormalities in resistant schizophrenia - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2169 
S. Ramos Perdigues 1, , A. Mane Santacana 2, P. Salgado Serrano 2, E. Jove Badia 3, X. Valiente Torrelles 3, L. Ortiz Sanz 3, J.R. Fortuny Olive 3, V. Perez Sola 2, F. Dinamarca 3
1 Nuestra Señora de Jesus, Spain 
2 Hospital del Mar, Psychiatry, Barcelona, Spain 
3 Centre Dr. Emili Mira, Psychiatry, Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Spain 

Corresponding author.



Schizophrenia is a developmental disorder that includes non-psychiatric abnormalities [2]. Metabolic abnormalities prior to antipsychotic treatment exist. The clozapine metabolic profile causes clozapine underuse in resistant schizophrenia [1].


To correlate metabolic profile with psychiatric severity and compare the correlations between clozapine/non-clozapine patients.


To determine possible contributory factors to metabolic abnormalities in schizophrenia.


We cross-sectionally analyzed all patients from a Spanish long-term mental care facility (n=139). Schizophrenic/schizoaffective patients were selected (n=118). N=31 used clozapine. We paired clozapine and non-clozapine patients by sex and age and assessed metabolic and psychopathologic variables.

We compared psychopathologic variables between patients with/without cardiometabolic treatment and the differences between clozapine/non-clozapine groups.


We analyzed: 27 clozapine/29 non-clozapine patients. A total of 67,9% males with a mean age of 51.3 (SD 9.6) years. In the whole sample TG negatively correlated with Negative-CGI (r: −0,470, P: 0.049) and HDL-cholesterol correlates with Global-CGI(r: 0,505, P: 0.046). Prolactin correlated with the number of antipsychotics (r: 0.581, P: 0.023) and IMC (r: 0.575, P: 0.025). Clozapine group took less antipsychotics [Fisher (P: 0.045)] and had higher scores in total BRPS scale [t-Student (P: 0.036)]. They did not use more cardiometabolic treatment. There were no psychopathological differences between cardiometabolic treated/non-treated patients. In the non-cardiometabolic treated group (n=35/62,5%), IMC negatively correlated with positive and total BPRS, positive, cognitive and global-CGI. We found negative correlations between metabolic parameters and psychopathology in clozapine (40%) and non-clozapine subgroups (60%). In the cardiometabolic treated group (n=21/37,5%), we did not find these correlations in either of clozapine (61.9%) or non-clozapine (38.1%) subgroups.


Severity [2], prolactine [3] and treatment [1] could play a role in metabolic parameters. In our sample we found negative correlations between psychopathological and metabolic parameters.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S584 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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