
Availability and accessibility of medications and toxic substances and suicidal behavior - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2226 
M. Arsenyan 1, 2, , S. Sukiasyan 3, T. Hovhannisyan 4 : Member
1 “St. Grigor Lusavorich” MC, Republican Child Psychiatric Department, Yerevan, Armenia 
2 Yerevan State Medical University Hospital “Muratsan”, Toxicology Center, Yerevan, Armenia 
3 “Artmed” MRC, Department of Mental Health “Stress”, Yerevan, Armenia 
4 Armenian Psychiatric Association, Yerevan, Armenia 

Corresponding author.



Scientific research indicates that accessibility of suicide means has a significant influence on the choice of method. Since the choice of suicide method largely depends on availability of suicide means, the lethality of method at hand plays a crucial role in a period of suicidal crisis.


We aimed to reveal the associations between accessibility and availability of medications and toxic substances and suicidal behavior of teenage girls in Armenia.


Our objectives were to determine whether accessibility and availability of medications and toxic substances have any impact on development of suicidal behavior among teenage girls in Armenia and whether toxicity and quantity of medications and toxic substances at hand or purchased by attempters are associated with severity of outcome.


A qualitative analysis of patient histories of 26 teenage girls, hospitalized in the ICU, Toxicology Center “Muratsan”, Yerevan, RA, diagnosed as having acute deliberate self-poisoning was performed.


In majority of cases, conflict situation preceded suicidal behavior and decision on attempting suicide was impulsive. Being emotionally distressed teenage girls reached for medications and toxic substances readily available in the household or bought medications from a pharmacy.


The vast majority of teenage girls attempted suicide by medications and toxic substances at hand. Admittedly, both, type of medication and quantity of pills or amount of toxic substances utilized, affected the severity of outcome. Hence, the availability and accessibility of medications and toxic substances played a crucial role in development of suicidal behavior and severity of outcome.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S596 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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