
In a period of economical crisis who is at risk for attempted suicide? - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2231 
I. Coppola 1, , D. Marangon 2, C. Gramaglia 1, C. Delicato 1, S. Di Marco 1, E. Gattoni 1, A. Venesia 1, G.C. Avanzi 3, L. Castello 3, F. Bert 4, M.R. Gualano 4, R. Siliquini 4, E. Torre 1, P. Zeppegno 1
1 Università del Piemonte Orientale, Translational Medicine, Novara, Italy 
2 SC Psichiatria, AOU Maggiore della Carità, Translational Medicine, Novara, Italy 
3 Emergency Medicine, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Traslational Medicine, Novara, Italy 
4 Università degli Studi di Torino, Public Health and Paediatric Sciences, Torino, Italy 

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According to Durkheim's theory, suicide attempts increase during periods of rapid economic changes and decrease again when stability is achieved, due to the social integration in the community guaranteed by occupational status. Since 2009 in Europe, it was observed an increase in the suicide rates, in line with the increase of unemployment. Although unemployment is considered a risk factor for suicide, it was observed a noticeable increase in suicide rates among Italian employed men during the last years, probably related to the specific economic scenario and to emerging difficulties in keeping an income to adequately maintain one's own family standard of living.


To study attempted suicides with a specific focus and attention on the current Italian economic scenario.


Determinants of emergency room visits for psychiatric reasons in patients aged>16 years were studied prospectively from 2008 to 2015 at the AOU Maggiore della Carità Hospital, Novara, Italy. Each patient was assessed by an experienced psychiatrist with a clinical interview and socio-demographic and clinical features were gathered. Statistical significance was set at P0.05.


Preliminary results suggest an increase in suicide attempts according to the rise of the unemployment rate in Novara. Although in absolute figures most attempters are unemployed, it seems that suicide attempts are more frequent in the group of employed subjects, which includes also people under redundancy fund. This subgroup may be considered halfway between employed and unemployed attempters.


Data collection and statistical analyses are still ongoing. Implications for clinical practice will be discussed.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S598 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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  • I. Coppola, E. Gattoni, C. Gramaglia, S. Di Marco, C. Delicato, D. Marangon, A. Feggi, M. Martelli, C. Guerriero, L.H. Thorell, M. Sarchiapone, E. Torre, P. Zeppegno

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