
Antimicrobial performance of nanostructured silica–titania sieves loaded with izohidrafural against microbial strains isolated from urinary tract infections - 23/10/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.crci.2016.09.007 
Mustafa Basim M. Al Tameemi a, Raluca Stan a, , Viorel Prisacari b, Georgeta Voicu a, Marcela Popa c, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc c, Cristina Ott a, George Marton a, Aurelia Meghea a
a Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Polizu Street No. 1-7, 011061 Bucharest, Romania 
b “Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 165, Stefan cel Mare Boulvard, Chisinau, MD 2001, Republic of Moldova 
c Faculty of Biology, Microbiology Immunology Department, University of Bucharest, Aleea Portocalelor No. 1-3, 060101 Bucharest, Romania 

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This study aimed to examine the efficiency of novel bioactive nanostructures represented by silica–titania sieves used as carriers for a new antibacterial agent izohidrafural against bacterial strains isolated from nosocomial urinary tract infections, by using biological quantitative assays. Several release trials have been established and compared with MCM-41 in parallel experiments to achieve the optimum release profile. The obtained systems showed that silica–titania sieves loaded with izohidrafural proved to be the most active material against Klebsiella pneumoniae (average minimal inhibitory concentration [MIC] 40.62 μg/mL), desaminase-positive strains (average MIC 2.925 μg/mL), and Proteus mirabilis (average MIC 9.37 μg/mL), the last being reported with the highest growth rate in the urinary tract catheters. In contrast, the nonloaded silica–titanium sieves exhibited the highest antimicrobial activity against the Gram-positive cocci. Izohidrafural exhibited the highest antimicrobial efficiency, superior to the common drug nitrofurantoin against most Escherichia coli strains, with average MIC of 4.68 μg/mL.

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Keywords : Silica–titania sieves, Antimicrobial activity, Izohidrafural, Urinary tract infections, Synergistic effect

PubChem CID for the essential compounds used in this article : TEOS (PubChem CID: 6517), CTAB (PubChem CID: 5974), Titanium (PubChem CID: 23963), Sulfuric acid (PubChem CID: 1118), Ammonium fluoride (PubChem CID: 25516), Nitrofurantoin (PubChem CID: 6604200)


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