
The psychiatric services of Saratov region and directions of its’ improvement (Clinical, statistical and epidemiological aspects) - 08/07/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.835 
Y. Barylnik , D. Samoylova, S. Pakhomova, J. Abrosimova, E. Kolesnichenko, N. Filippova, M. Deeva, E. Bachilo, A. Antonova, S. Sizov
 Saratov State Medical University, Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, Saratov, Russia 

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The determining of the actual number of people with mental disorders and their spreading by nosology still remains actual, especially according to different regions.


The determining of the psychiatric services effectiveness in Saratov region on the basis of comprehensive analysis of its’ clinical, statistical and epidemiological characteristics.


The analysis of mental state indicators based on the example of adults’ schizophrenia Saratov region in dynamics for 10 years (2005–2015) in comparison with Russian Federation.


Over the past 10 years the number of clinically supervised patients with schizophrenia decreased at 0.9% in the city and 2.2% in region population. This is consistent with the tendency of schizophrenia morbidity in Russian Federation over the same period. The number of supervised adult patients with primary diagnosed schizophrenia in Russia remained at the same level and amounted to 10.8 per 100 thousand population. At the same time the noticeable fluctuations in the number of this patients’ category were observed in Saratov and Saratov region. Over the past 10 years, the proportion of patients with primary diagnosed schizophrenia disability in the class structure of mental disorders is quite high, averaging of 41.1% in Saratov region. Analyzing the number of patients with re-confirmed disabilities the gradual decline from 1846 to 755 people (at 59.1%) was found.


The mental health analysis of Saratov region population allows to suggest the long-term forecast of mental disorders’ morbidity, to analyze the level of disability due to schizophrenia, to develop recommendations for the optimal regional model of psychiatric services.

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Vol 41 - N° S

P. S568-S569 - avril 2017 Retour au numéro
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  • Y. Barylnik, V. Popkov, N. Filippova, Y. Abrosimova, E. Kolesnichenko, S. Pakhomova, D. Samoilova, A. Antonova, E. Bachilo, M. Deeva, S. Sizov
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