
Usefulness of PA32540 in Protecting the Gastric Layer While Providing Secondary Prevention for Coronary Artery Disease - 08/09/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.amjcard.2017.06.052 
Deepthi Kagolanu, MD a, * , Najia Sayedy, MD a, Syed Haseeb, MD b, Shivani Shah, MPH c, Paul Lam, MD d, Swapna Munnangi, PhD e, Prakash Viswanathan, MD f, Kent Stephenson, MD g
a Department of Internal Medicine, Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, USA 
b Department of Medical Education, American University of Caribbean, Coral Gables, USA 
c School of Public Health, Boston University, Boston, USA 
d Department of Infectious Diseases, Harlem Hospital Columbia, Harlem, USA 
e Department of Gastroenterology, Albany Medical Center, Albany, USA 
f Department of Research, Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, USA 
g Department of Cardiology, Nassau University Medical Center, East Meadow, USA 

*Corresponding author: Tel: 949 981 8781.


Aspirin has been the mainstay for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease to decrease early recurrence and severity of recurrent cardiovascular events. However, an increase in gastrointestinal bleeding due to aspirin is preventing many patients from adhering to this daily regimen. PA32540, a combination pill with aspirin and omeprazole, is a newly emerging intervention that has the potential to reinforce patient compliance with the aspirin regimen due to fewer gastrointestinal adverse effects.

This systematic review assessed three recent phase 3 clinical trials investigating the safety and efficacy of PA32540. Clinical trials were chosen based on inclusion criteria such as phase 3, randomized, open-label or blinded studies, utilization of enteric-coated aspirin 325 mg dose, and measured GI adverse effects and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) as primary outcomes. Study A, a 6-month phase-3 study by Whellan et al., used two identically designed, randomized, double-blind trials to compare the GI adverse events and MACE after the use of PA32540 to 325mg of enteric coated Aspirin (EC-ASA) in subjects at risk for aspirin-associated gastric ulcers. Results showed fewer upper GI symptoms, decreased size of ulcers, and improved heartburn symptoms in subjects receiving PA32540 compared to EC-ASA. Study B, a 12-month phase-3 study by Hatoum et al., assessed secondary cardiovascular event prevention in a study population that was treated with PA32540 in comparison to a community setting (CS) group that was started on a standard antiplatelet treatment. Results indicated a 28% reduction of CV events in subjects treated with PA32540 compared to the CS group. Study C, a phase-3 open-label study by Goldstein et al., evaluating secondary prevention of cardiovascular/cerebrovascular events with the use of PA32450 for 12 months found that none of the 12-month completers were reported to have new-onset gastric ulcers. In conclusion, PA32540 could be an effective therapy for secondary prevention of coronary artery disease as studies are showing similar efficacy in preventing MACE with reduced GI side effects.

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Vol 120 - N° 7

P. 1118-1121 - octobre 2017 Retour au numéro
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