
Validation of a French version of the upper limb Erasmus Modified Nottingham Sensory Assessment with stereognosis (EmNSA-S) component in patients with stroke - 26/09/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.rehab.2017.07.022 
David Gasq 1, , Emilie Catella 2, Magalie Pradie 2, Sabrina Techene 3, Claire Lebely 4, Claire Villepinte 5
1 Inserm (UMR 1214), UPS – équipe iDREAM, Toulouse neuroimaging center, université de Toulouse, Toulouse cedex 3, France 
2 Médecine physique et réadaptation, Rangueil, CHU de Toulouse, Toulouse, France 
3 PREFMS, institut de formation en ergothérapie Toulouse, Toulouse, France 
4 Centre d’investigation clinique, hôpital Pierre-Paul-Riquet, Toulouse, France 
5 Explorations fonctionnelles physiologiques, Rangueil, CHU de Toulouse, Toulouse, France 

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Sensory impairment of the upper limb (UL) is a common deficit post-stroke, associated with loss of functional ability. Currently, there is no standardized tool evaluating sensation of the UL in patients with stroke in the French language. The objective was to develop a French version of the Erasmus modified Nottingham Sensory Assessment with stereognosis component (EmNSA-S) for evaluation of the UL among adults with stroke.

Material/patients and methods

It was a monocentric prospective observational cross-sectional design study. The study consisted of two phases including (i) instrument translation, and (ii) validation phase with establishment of the concurrent criterion-related validity, internal consistency, intra and inter-rater reliability and minimal detectable change with 95% confidence interval (MDC95). French version of the EmNSA-S for UL was developed through multidisciplinary forwards-backwards translation. Outcome measures were the EmNSA-S, Fugl-Meyer Assessment sensory subscale (FMA-S) and the Fugl-Meyer Assessment motor subscale of UE (FMA-M UE). Fifty patients with hemiparesis due to a single cerebrovascular accident were recruited to establish psychometric properties (mean±SD age, 55±15.6 years; median [range] time since stroke, 3.1 [1.1 to 319.1] months; 70% of male; 52% right paresis; median [range] FMA-M UE scale, 33.5/66 [4 to 66]).


The median [range] score of EmNSA-S was 51.5/64 [1 to 63], a score of 64 indicating no sensory impairment. Spearman rank correlation coefficient was very strong between EmNSA-S and FMA-S total scores (r=0.826, P<0.05). EmNSA-S internal consistency is adequate across subscales with Cronbach α coefficient ranging between 0.821 and 0.966. For the total score, intra-rater reliability was excellent (ICC=0.91) with a MDC95 equal to 11.5, and the inter-rater reliability was good (ICC=0.78) with a MDC95 equal to 13.7. Analysis of the hierarchical aspect of the tactile sensation subscale has found a relatively high error rate (up to 24%) suggesting the need for more systematic assessment.

Discussion – conclusion

The standardized French version of the EmNSA-S provides a valid and reliable scale. The study supports the use of the French version of this scale for comprehensive and accurate assessment of sensory modalities in adults post-stroke.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Erasmus modified Nottingham Sensory Assessment, Stroke, Sensation, Somatosensory disorders, Upper limb


© 2017  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 60 - N° S

P. e3-e4 - septembre 2017 Retour au numéro
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