
Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for refractory in-hospital cardiac arrest - 26/03/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.acvdsp.2018.02.066 
C. Desnos 1, , S. Bourcier 1, M. Clément-Rigolet 2, M. Schmidt 1, G. Hekimian 1, N. Bréchot 1, M. Coutrot 1, G. Lebreton 2, S. Besset 1, A. Nieszkowska 1, P. Leprince 2, A. Combes 1, 3, C.E. Luyt 1, 3
1 Medical–Surgical ICU, France 
2 Cardiothoracic surgery, hôpital La Pitié-Salpêtrière, France 
3 INSERM, UMRS_1166-iCAN, institute of cardiometabolism and nutrition, Paris, France 

Corresponding author.



Despite recent improvement in cardiac arrest management, in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) remains associated with poor outcome. Whereas its usefulness for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest seems poor, extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (e-CPR; i.e. veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) under cardiopulmonary resuscitation) could be a life-saving strategy for refractory IHCA.


To describe the characteristics and outcomes of refractory IHCA patients supported by e-CPR in our institution.


Retrospective cohort study of data prospectively collected. All patients implanted with a VA-ECMO for refractory IHCA from 2007 to 2017 were included. VA-ECMO was implanted at the cardiac arrest site by trained cardiac surgeons from our mobile circulatory assistance unit. After ECMO implantation, patients were all referred and managed in our ICU. A 1-yr follow-up phone call was given to each survivor.


During the study period, 97 patients (mean age 50.9±14.8 yrs) received e-CPR for refractory IHCA. 80.4% of IHCA had a cardiac origin. VA-ECMO was implanted in our ICU for 37% of them, in the cardiology department for 30%, in another hospital for 23%. Survival rate was 19.6% at hospital discharge, 15% at 1-yr follow-up, with a 1-yr CPC score of 1 [1–2]. Main causes of in-ICU deaths were multiple organ failure (71%) and post-anoxic encephalopathy (12%). Compared to 1-yr non-survivors, 1-yr survivors had similar no- and low-flow, their initial rhythm was more frequently shockable (69.2% versus 33.8%, respectively, P=0.03) and their day-1 SOFA score was significantly lower (13 [10–14] versus 15 [12–17], respectively, P=0.02).


e-CPR in refractory IHCA is associated with a 15% 1-yr survival rate. Survivors have a good 1-year CPC score. Next step is to determine prognosis factors to select the patients the most likely to benefit from this technique.

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Vol 10 - N° 2

P. 205 - avril 2018 Retour au numéro
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