
Influence de la flexion et de la rotation latérale combinées de la hanche sur les mensurations morphométriques du fémur proximal sur des radiographies de bassin de face - 11/06/18

Effect of combined flexion and external rotation on measurements of the proximal femur from anteroposterior pelvic radiographs

Doi : 10.1016/j.rcot.2018.04.004 
J.D. O’Connor a, M. Rutherford a, J.C. Hill b, D.E. Beverland b, N.J. Dunne c, d, e, f, A.B. Lennon a,
a School of mechanical and aerospace engineering, Queen's University Belfast, 125, Stranmillis road, BT9 5AH Belfast, United Kingdom 
b Primary Joint unit, Musgrave Park Hospital, Stockman's Lane, BT9 7JB Belfast, United Kingdom 
c School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland 
d Centre for medical engineering research, Stokes Building, Collins Avenue, school of mechanical & manufacturing engineering, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland 
e Trinity centre for bioengineering, Trinity College Dublin, 152-160, Pearse street, Dublin 2, Ireland 
f School of pharmacy, Queen's University Belfast, 97, Lisburn road, BT9 7BL Belfast, United Kingdom 

Auteur correspondant.



Fixed flexion and external rotation contractures are common in patients with hip osteoarthritis and in particular before total hip replacement (THR). We aimed to answer the following question: how does combined flexion and external rotation of the femur influence the radiographic assessment of 1) femoral offset (FO) 2) neck-shaft angle (NSA) and 3) distance (parallel to the femoral axis) from greater trochanter to femoral head centre (GT-FHC)?


Combined flexion and external rotation impact the accuracy of two-dimensional (2D) proximal femur measurements.

Materials and methods

Three-dimensional (3D) CT segmentations of the right femur from 30 male and 42 female subjects were acquired and used to build a statistical shape model. A cohort (n=100; M:F=50:50) of shapes was generated using the model. Each 3D femur was subjected to external rotation (0°–50°) followed by flexion (0°–50°) in 10° increments. Simulated radiographs of each femur in these orientations were produced. Measurements of FO, NSA and GT-FHC were automatically taken on the 2D images.


Combined rotations influenced the measurement of FO (p<0.05), NSA (p<0.001) and GT-FHC (p<0.001). Femoral offset was affected predominantly by external rotation (19.8±2.6mm [12.2 to 26.1mm] underestimated at 50°); added flexion in combined rotations only slightly impacted measurement error (20.7±3.1mm [13.2 to 28.8mm] underestimated at 50° combined). Neck-shaft angle was reduced with flexion when external rotation was low (9.5±2.1° [4.4 to 14.2°] underestimated at 0° external and 50° flexion) and increased with flexion when external rotation was high (24.4±3.9° [15.7 to 31.9°] overestimated at 50° external and 50° flexion). Femoral head centre was above GT by 17.0±3.4mm [3.9 to 22.1mm] at 50° external and 50°flexion. In contrast, in neutral rotation, FHC was 12.2±3.4mm [3.9 to 22.1mm] below GT.


This investigation adds to current understanding of the effect of femoral orientation on preoperative planning measurements through the study of combined rotations (as opposed to single-axis). Planning measurements are shown to be significantly affected by flexion, external rotation, and their interaction.

Level of evidence

IV Biomechanical study.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Femoral orientation, Preoperative planning, Femoral offset, Neck-shaft angle

 Presented to Closed Meeting International Hip Society, London September 2017.
☆☆ Cet article peut être consulté in extenso dans la version anglaise de la revue Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research sur Science Direct (sciencedirect.com) en utilisant le DOI ci-dessus.

© 2018  Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 104 - N° 4

P. 312 - juin 2018 Retour au numéro
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