
Prevalence of sacroiliac joint dysfunction and sacroiliac pain provocation tests in people with low back pain - 15/07/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.rehab.2018.05.343 
C. Ramírez 1, , L. Sanchez 1, B. Oliveira 2
1 Universidad Industrial de Santander, Physical Therapy School, Bucaramanga, Colombia 
2 Universidad Federal de Sao Carlos, Physical Therapy, Sao Carlos, Brazil 

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Sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJD) can explain about 15% to 30% the presence of idiopathic low back pain (LBP). SIJD can be diagnosed through the sacroiliac pain provocation tests (PPT), considering SIJD when 3 or more tests are positive. The aim of the study was to establish the prevalence of SIJD and sacroiliac PPT in people with LBP.

Material and method

One hundred and thirty-six people with LBP of both genders, with 29±12 years old and BMI 23.35±2.9kg/m2 were evaluated. A trained physical therapist applied six sacroiliac PPT with the best psychometric properties described in the literature (Distraction, Thigh thrust, Gaenslen, Compression, Sacral thrust and FABER).


A prevalence of 40% of SIJD was found. Most prevalent tests were FABER and Sacral Thrust, while Distraction test was the least prevalent. Twenty-five percent of the population presented one positive test, 16% had at least 3 positive tests and only 5% of participants had 6 positive tests.


To our knowledge, there are no reports in the literature of the individual prevalence of sacroiliac PPT. According to the results, during the examination of people with low back pain suspected of having SIJD, FABER and Sacral Thrust tests should be done first, followed by compression and Gaenslen tests. The above mentioned could avoid unnecessary sacroiliac stress and pain to the patients’ joint.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Sacroiliac pain, Provocation tests, Prevalence


© 2018  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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