
E-cardiology approach for unexplained palpitations unsolved by classical paraclinic methods - 25/12/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.acvdsp.2018.10.200 
J. Tarlet 1, 2, , D. Coulon 2, G. Boccara 3, M. Gueunoun 4
1 Centre de Cardiologie, Aix-en-Provence 
2 @HEALTH CardioNexion 
3 Clinique Axium, Aix-En-Provence 
4 Hôpital Européen, Marseille, France 

Corresponding author.



Failure of diagnosis for palpitations aren’t rare. Despite classical paraclinic methods of investigation, sometimes physicians and patients stay perplexed. However palpitations may mean tragic risk or benign pathology. We report a 21 patients series of unexplained palpitations by an Innovative method of remote monitoring of the EKG by a connected garment.


The first endpoint of this register is to evaluate if a comfortable and washable garment may offer new possibilities of diagnosis, acceptable for the patients. Thanks to a simple garment the follow-up time of remote monitoring is longer than Holter and less cumbersome. The second endpoint is to look at diagnosis, which have been impossible to detect with Holter or electrophysiological study.


Between February 2017 and March 2018, 21 patients with unexplained palpitations, after Holter, echocardiography, stress test and holters were equipped with a connected garment: bra, jacquet or stripe, connected to their own smartphone with a specific @Health application. The application is connected, by the cloud to a webscale server hosted in a secure data center. On the server runs an algorithm, presenting to a medical station any abnormality of the cardiac rhythm, Results In one patient non-sustained ventricular tachycardia(NSVT) was found. In 29% of patients (6) atrial fibrillation has been documented. A total of 14% had simple supraventricular runs. In 14% (3) of patient we found a junctional tachycardia. Nineteen percent (4) of patient had atrial or ventricular extrasystoles corresponding to symptoms.


This disruptive solution allow non invasive diagnosis which was not possible with classical paraclinical methods of investigation in cardiology. After failure of invasive and non-invasive exams, new tools of diagnosis should be considered by heart specialists.

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© 2018  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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