
Familial cardiomyopathy in patients affected by acute myocarditis is strongly associated to DSP gene mutations - 06/01/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.acvdsp.2019.09.084 
L. Marteau 1, , F. Kyndt 2, C. Toquet 3, J.M. Serfaty 4, D. Guijarro 5, L. Le Gloan 6, G. Lande 6, J.B. Gourraud 6, K. Warin-Fresse 4, E. Conan 6, A. Thollet 6, T. Le Tourneau 6, J.N. Trochu 6, V. Probst 6, N. Piriou 1
1 Institut du thorax and Nuclear Medicine Department 
2 Molecular Genetics Departments 
3 Pathology Department 
4 Cardiac and Vascular Radiology, University Hospital of Nantes 
5 Institut Cardio-Vasculaire, Groupe Hospitalier Mutualiste 
6 Institut du thorax, University Hospital of Nantes, Nantes, France 

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The link between acute myocarditis (AM) and familial cardiomyopathies (CM) remains unclear.


To assess the clinical significance of AM in families with CM.


We describe the pedigree of 6 families with at least one case of AM and a familial history of CM or sudden death (SD). AM was defined as an infarct-like clinical presentation with normal coronary arteries and myocardial inflammation (MI) documented by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), or as an autopsy proven AM.


In family 1 to 5, genetic testing was triggered by the association of a documented case of AM with an index case of CM or early SD. In this setting, all genetic testing revealed a mutation in the desmoplakin (DSP) gene. In family 1, patient II.1 (15 y.o) was diagnosed with AM 6 months after his 12 y.o sister's SD. In family 2, patient II.4 (17 y.o) was diagnosed with AM. His mother had a DCM, with a CMR revealing the presence of MI. In family 3, patient IV.3 (22 y.o) died suddenly from an AM, attested by post-mortem autopsy. Her aunt had a DCM. In family 4, patient II.4 (41 y.o) had an AM, progressing toward a DCM. Her mother had died suddenly at the age of 39, and her niece had a DCM. In family 5, patient V.16 (9 y.o) presented 4 recurrent episodes of AM. Her cousin's mother had a DCM. In family 6, patient IV.3 had 3 episodes of AM, his father had previously been diagnosed with an arrythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) with a desmoglein 2 (DSG2) mutation (Table 1, Fig 1).


AM is strongly associated to desmosomal mutations when a familial history of cardiomyopathy is present, particularly in DSP gene. In these families, DCM phenotype and SD are frequent, and a notable proportion of isolated LGE suggestive of myocardial fibrosis is present in asymptomatic relatives. These results highlight the need for a comprehensive familial screening in case of AM.

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P. 41 - janvier 2020 Retour au numéro
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