
Tolerance’s improvement of flexible bronchoscopy by Ericksonian hypnosis: The BREATH study - 06/11/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.resmer.2020.100798 
Laurent Portel  : Dr, Anne Perel , Loïc Masson , Christophe Roy , Sandrine Mebs
 Service de Pneumologie, Centre Hospitalier Robert Boulin, 112 rue de la Marne, BP 199, 33505 Libourne, France 

Corresponding author: Service de Pneumologie, Centre Hospitalier Robert Boulin, 112 rue de la Marne, BP 199, 33505 Libourne, FranceService de Pneumologie, Centre Hospitalier Robert Boulin112 rue de la Marne, BP 199Libourne33505France
Sous presse. Manuscrit accepté. Disponible en ligne depuis le Friday 06 November 2020
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The aim of this study was to determine whether the use of Ericksonian hypnosis may allow an improvement of the tolerance of flexible bronchoscopy.

Methods: A comparative, two parallel-group, prospective, randomized monocentric clinical trial was conducted. After randomization, patients were divided into two groups: a standard group, in which bronchoscopy was performed according to the official French good practice guidelines and a study group, in which bronchoscopy was performed under hypnosis.

Results: 67 patients were included, 7 patients were excluded and 60 patients were randomized. No significant differences in age, gender, examination indication and duration were observed between both groups. Two patients of the standard group removed the endoscope by themselves, resulting in a premature termination of bronchoscopy and they were excluded from the statistical analysis. In the standard group, the levels of anxiety, cough, dyspnoea and pain increased during the examination and the addition of local anaesthesia was more often required. In the hypnosis group, levels of anxiety, cough, dyspnoea decreased, whereas only the level of pain increased. There was a statistic significative difference in favour of hypnosis for all the other variables. Moreover, the behaviour score was higher in the standard group: 19.5 ± 14.5 versus 7.3 ± 4.7 (p <0.001), indicating a better tolerance in the hypnosis group. In the standard group, 14 patients refused a new examination under the same conditions versus 7 in the hypnosis group, and 12 patients asked for general anaesthesia in case of a new examination versus 7 in the hypnosis group.

Conclusion: This randomised control trial is the first to test the faisability and the potential usefulness of Ericksonian hypnosis during flexible bronchoscopy. Our results indicates an improvement of tolerance and a positive effect on all studied parameters except pain. This method could be widely offered to all patients undergoing flexible bronchoscopy.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : flexible bronchoscopy, Ericksonian hypnosis, tolerance

© 2020  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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