
Insight into SLC9A3 deficiency-mediated micturition dysfunction caused by electrolyte imbalance - 13/01/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2022.114155 
Kuo-Chiang Chen a, b, Meng-Lin Chang a, c, Chun-Sian Lin d, Chellappan Praveen Rajneesh a, Chun-Hou Liao a, e, Wen-Chen You a, Hung-Chune Maa a, f, , 1 , Yi-No Wu a, , 1
a School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City 242062, Taiwan 
b Department of Urology, Cathay General Hospital, Taipei City 106438, Taiwan 
c Department of Urology, Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City 243089, Taiwan 
d Graduate Institute of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Science, College of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City 242062, Taiwan 
e Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Cardinal Tien Hospital, New Taipei City 231403, Taiwan 
f Department of Pathology, Cardinal Tien Hospital, New Taipei City 231403, Taiwan 

Corresponding author at: Department of Pathology, Cardinal Tien Hospital, New Taipei City 231403, Taiwan.Department of Pathology, Cardinal Tien HospitalNew Taipei City231403Taiwan.⁎⁎Correspondence to: School of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University, No. 510. Chung-Cheng Road, Hsinchuang, New Taipei City 24205, Taiwan.School of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic UniversityNo. 510. Chung-Cheng Road, HsinchuangNew Taipei City24205Taiwan



Solute carrier family nine isoform 3 (SLC9A3) is an Na+/H+ exchanger that regulates Ca2+ homeostasis. SLC9A3 is largely involved in the transepithelial absorption of Na+/H+ and frequently functions in pair with a Cl/HCO3 exchanger.


To investigate the impact and pathophysiological mechanisms of long-term SLC9A3 deficiency on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in a mouse model

Materials and methods

Slc9a3 knockout and wild-type mice (average >6 months) were used. The effects of SLC9A3 depletion on bladder and urethral functions and effectiveness of voiding were assessed using a cystometrogram (CMG). Histology, blood electrolytes, and gene expression were also analyzed.


The SLC9A3-deficient mice had smaller gross bladders than the wild-type mice. The CMG analysis revealed normal peak micturition pressure, higher threshold pressure, short intercontraction interval, less voided volume, and poor compliance in the SLC9A3-deficient mice, similar to clinical LUTS. Histological analysis revealed loose detrusor muscle and loss of transformability of the urothelium in the SLC9A3-deficient mice. Masson's trichrome analysis revealed severe collagen deposition in the detrusor muscle. Immunofluorescence staining also demonstrated a significant decrease in cytokeratins 5 and 20. Gene and protein expression analyses confirmed that SLC9A3 does not act directly on bladder tissue. Homeostasis was correlated with bladder dysfunction in the SLC9A3-deficient mice.


Fibrosis and collagen deposition in the bladder of the SLC9A3-deficient mice is due to bladder inflammation because of decreased blood flow and deregulated systemic homeostasis. Long-term SLC9A3 depletion causes progressive bladder dysfunction, similar to human LUTS.


Electrolyte imbalance causes SLC9A3 deficiency-mediated progressive micturition dysfunction.

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Graphical Abstract


Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


Slc9a3−/− mice were confirmed to frequently urinate.
Slc9a3/ mice demonstrated collagen deposition and bladder fibrosis.
Expression studies confirmed that SLC9A3 expression was high in renal tissues.
Histological findings identified bladder barrier loss and urothelium damage.
Electrolyte dysregulation causes homeostatic problems and LUTS.

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Keywords : Bladder dysfunction, Detrusor muscle atrophy, Electrolyte imbalance, SLC9A3


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Article 114155- février 2023 Retour au numéro
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