
Nano-vitamin C: A promising candidate for therapeutic applications - 13/01/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2022.114093 
Takwa Bedhiafi a, Sourour Idoudi b, Queenie Fernandes a, c, Lobna Al-Zaidan a, Shahab Uddin d, e, Said Dermime a, f, g, Nashiru Billa b, , Maysaloun Merhi a, f,
a Translational Cancer Research Facility, Translational Research Institute, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar 
b College of Pharmacy, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar 
c College of Medicine, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar 
d Translational Research Institute and Dermatology Institute, Academic Health System, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar 
e Laboratory Animal Research Center, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar 
f National Center for Cancer Care and Research, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar 
g College of Health and Life Sciences, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar 

Corresponding author.⁎⁎Corresponding author at: Translational Cancer Research Facility, Translational Research Institute, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar.Translational Cancer Research Facility, Translational Research Institute, Hamad Medical CorporationDohaQatar


Vitamin C is an important nutrient implicated in different physiological functions in humans. Despite its important biological functions, therapeutic applications of vitamin C are rare and its use is further impacted by low chemical stability. Several nano-encapsulation techniques have been described in the literature and yet, there are only a handful of clinical investigations dedicated to unlocking the therapeutic applications of nano-encapsulated vitamin C. Clearly, further investigations are warranted in order to affirm the promising clinical potential of nano-encapsulated vitamin C. In this review, we describe the mechanisms of vitamin C activity as a modulator of crucial therapeutic uses in biological systems. We look at key factors affecting the chemical stability of vitamin C alone and in nano-encapsulated and explore pre-clinical and clinical evidence on current vitamin C nano-formulations along with their therapeutic applications. Finally, we critically appraise the gaps and opportunities prevailing in nano-vitamin C research and its potential translation towards relevant clinical outcomes.

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Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Abbreviations : 8-OHdG, AA, Au-NPs, Bcl-Xl, DL, EE, EMC, FDA, HIF-1α, HMP-L, IGF-1, JHDM, LMP-L, PDI, RAIL, RH, TET, URTI, ZP

Keywords : Vitamin C, Nano-vitamin C, Therapeutic, Clinical, Nanomedicine


© 2022  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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