
Le type de insert n’a aucun impact sur les changements de densité minérale osseuse autour d’une cupule acétabulaire en titane trabéculaire imprimée en 3D - 01/02/23

Liner type has no impact on bone mineral density changes around a 3D printed Trabecular Titanium acetabular component

Doi : 10.1016/j.rcot.2021.10.027 
Antonio Klasan a, b, c, , Ali Bayan a, Ian Holdaway d, William J. Farrington a
a North Shore Hospital, 124 Shakespeare Road, 0620 Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand 
b Kepler University Hospital Linz, Krankenhausstr. 9, 4020 Linz, Austria 
c Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria 
d Auckland City Hospital, 2 Park Road, 1023 Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand 

Auteur correspondant. Shore Hospital, 124 Shakespeare Road, 0620 Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand.Shore Hospital124 Shakespeare RoadTakapuna, Auckland0620New Zealand



Three-dimensional printing of implants allows the ability to produce implants and interfaces which theoretically better mimic “normal” bone behaviour, leading to a possible reduction in stress shielding thus maintaining bone mineral density (BMD). This issue was not investigated in vivo using bone scan and different bearings, therefore we did a prospective study aiming to answer: 1) Is there a loss of BMD around the 3D printed trabecular titanium cup, when compared to the native hip? 2) Does liner type influence the BMD changes around the acetabulum when a 3D printed trabecular titanium cup is used?


BMD changes around the acetabulum are not influenced by the liner type, and the cup will be associated with a reduction in BMD when compared to the native hip.

Material and methods

This is a prospective observational study of patients receiving a primary total hip arthroplasty. A 3D printed Trabecular Titanium uncemented acetabular component was used in all cases. All patients received a ceramic femoral head, with either a ceramic or polyethylene acetabular liner. BMD measurements using DXA were performed at 6 weeks, 6,12 and 24 months after surgery to evaluate remodeling changes. The 3 acetabular regions of interest (ROI) of DeLee and Charnley were used for serial comparisons of peri-acetabular BMD. The study was powered as a non-inferiority study with the principle variables compared using a two-step repeated analysis of variance.


A total of 48 consecutive patients were included in the study, with all patients completing their 2 year follow up. There were no failures, revisions or complications within this cohort. We found no statistically significant difference in the BMD change scores between the operated and the native hip in any of the 3 ROI zones. We found no differences in BMD scores when comparing ceramic to polyethylene acetabular liners, head sizes and BMI.


This study shows a similar pattern of BMD behaviour around a 3D printed cup when compared to the contralateral native hip. We were unable to show a clinical or radiological difference between the bearing material, head size, or BMI when used with this type of acetabular component.

Level of Evidence

III; prospective comparative study.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Total hip arthroplasty, Cementless, 3d printing, DXA, Bone density

 Cet article peut être consulté in extenso dans la version anglaise de la revue Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research sur Science Direct (sciencedirect.com) en utilisant le DOI ci-dessus.

© 2021  The Author(s). Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 109 - N° 1

P. 128 - février 2023 Retour au numéro
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