
La longue marche du remboursement des psychothérapies par l’assurance maladie en France - 23/04/24

The long road to health insurance reimbursement for psychotherapy in France

Doi : 10.1016/j.amp.2023.12.001 
Vivianne Kovess-Masfety a, , Lucia Romo b, Anne Dezetter c
a Université de Paris, LPPS, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France 
b Université Paris Nanterre, EA 4430 CLIPSYD UFR SPSE 200, avenue de la République, 92001 Nanterre Cedex, France 
c Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires Université de Moncton Pavillon Léopold-Taillon, 18, avenue Antonine-Maillet Moncton E1A 3E9, NB, Canada 

Auteur correspondant.



Retracer le parcours de la prise en charge par l’assurance maladie des psychothérapies faites par des psychologues libéraux.


Revue des écrits scientifiques, des rapports et plans et des décisions.


Une vingtaine d’années se sont écoulées depuis cette recommandation contenue dans un « plan d’actions pour le développement de la psychiatrie et la promotion de la santé mentale » rédigée en 2003. L’apport de l’épidémiologie appliquée aux pratiques psychothérapeutiques en France et les comparaisons aux pays voisins avaient alors mis en évidence l’importance quantitative du rôle des psychiatres (plus de la moitié des psychothérapies) dans leur mise en œuvre, y compris dans les zones les moins dotées. Le décret de 2010 relatif à l’usage du titre de psychothérapeute a été une étape préalable indispensable. Par la suite, la publication d’un niveau élevé de dépenses en santé mentale de la CNAM, ajoutée à la mise en place d’un remboursement des psychothérapies au Royaume-Uni a conduit à une étude médico-économique française prometteuse puis à une expérimentation dans quatre départements volontaires, aboutissant en 2022 à « MonParcoursPsy », à partir de 3 ans.


La prescription des psychothérapies par les médecins généralistes pour les troubles légers ou modérés et le tarif des prestations des psychologues ont fait l’objet de critiques par cette profession.


La mise en place d’un dispositif permettant la prise en charge des psychothérapies est une avancée importante, dont les modalités de mise en œuvre doivent être évaluées.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.



To outline the procedure for obtaining reimbursement by the French National Health system for psychotherapy provided by private practitioners.


By conducting a review of scientific literature, reports, plans, and governmental decisions.


Some twenty years have passed since a recommendation was included in the “plan of action for the development of psychiatry and the promotion of mental health”, which was drafted in 2003. The contribution of epidemiology applied to psychotherapeutic practices in France, and comparisons with neighboring countries, highlighted the quantitative importance of the role of psychiatrists (they provide more than half of all psychotherapeutic interventions) in the implementation of the plan of action, including in the least endowed areas of the country. The 2010 decree on the use of the title of psychotherapist was an essential preliminary step, since, previously, no requisite training was required for that title, which involved substantial risk. Henceforth, fundamental and clinical knowledge have been imposed with mandatory limits of duration. Subsequently, the publication of high expenditures on mental health by the French National Health Program coupled with the establishment of the reimbursement for psychotherapy in the United Kingdom, resulted in a promising French medico-economic study as well asan experiment in four departments involving patients between the ages of 18 and 60 who were suffering from mild and moderate anxious and depressive disorders. The diagnoses were based on PHQ9 and GAD7 being applied by the general practitioner, excluding the most severe cases, which allowed them to provide their patients with an evaluation session by an office-based psychologist followed by 10 sessions of “supportive therapy”. In the case of no improvement, an evaluation by a psychiatrist was required before providing 10 additional “structured therapy” sessions. After a two-year evaluation period, the process was determined to be beneficial for patients, general practitioners, and the psychologists who were involved. This led to the establishment, in 2022, of an on-line platform labeled “Mon Parcours Psy” (My Psychiatric Path) which facilitates the payment for 8 sessions per year of psychotherapy treatment for minor disorders for patients as young as 3 years of age., Parental authorization is required for minors.


The prescription of psychotherapy by general practitioners for mild or moderate disorders and the price of services provided by psychologists have been the object of criticism by the members of this profession: both the quantity of prescriptions and the tariffs for such services were deemed to be too low.


Making psychotherapy provided by psychologists available to the public at large, thanks to the introduction of a system to cover the costs involved by the the French National Health Insurance, is an important step forward for several reasons: it improves the relationship between psychologists and general practitioners; it decreases the use of psychotropic drugs, often the only solution for such patients; it will potentially relieve the pressure on the public psychiatric system, allowing it to refocus on the most severe patients. However, its implementation and results remain to be evaluated.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Mots clés : Assurance maladie, Psychologue, Psychothérapie

Keywords : French National Health system, Psychologist, Psychotherapy


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Vol 182 - N° 4

P. 354-364 - avril 2024 Retour au numéro
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