
Environmental health in medical schools in France: A call from medical students - 28/04/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2023.10.004 
Anouk Grobon a, b, Florence Huang a, b, Glenn Simon-Rivé a, b, Louise Benoit a, c, d, Meriem Koual a, c, d,
a Medical School of Medicine, université Paris Cité, Paris, France 
b Solid’UP – Environment Section- Solidarité Université de Paris association, Paris, France 
c Department of Gynecologic and Breast Oncologic Surgery, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, AP–HP Centre, 20, rue Leblanc, 75908 Paris cedex 15, France 
d Environmental Toxicity, Therapeutic Targets, Cellular Signaling and Biomarkers, T3S, Inserm UMR-S 1124, 75006 Paris, France 

Corresponding author: Department of Gynecologic and Breast Oncologic Surgery, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, AP–HP Centre, 20, rue Leblanc, 75908 Paris cedex 15, France.Department of Gynecologic and Breast Oncologic Surgery, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, AP–HP Centre20, rue LeblancParis cedex 1575908France



Environmental factors contribute to more than 25% of all global disease but as medical student, we consider that environmental health is insufficiently taught. We are not armed for facing patient's questions, prevent diseases linked to environmental exposure and adapt care in susceptible population.

Material and methods

We conducted a national French survey, using a web-based questionnaire from October to November 2021. All medical students were interrogated to assess their knowledge on environmental health and their desire to obtain a specific curriculum on this topic.


Two hundred and thirty-two students responded to the survey and most (62.7%) had never had any teaching on environmental health during their medical studies. The majority claimed to have no knowledge on environmental health (63.6%), and most had never been read or seen media content about it (59.2%). Those who had knowledge on environmental health, had been informed through social media, questioning the reliability of this content. Most (87.3%) were ready to take a specific course on environmental health issues during their medical studies in order to better inform their patients with evidence-based medicine and identify at risk population.


Through a survey, we identified the need and the emergency of implanting a curriculum on environmental medicine in our medical education.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Environmental health, Climate change, Medical school, Student opinion


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Vol 161 - N° 2S

P. 21-24 - avril 2024 Retour au numéro
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