
P01-321 - Mental health of immigrants in Germany - 08/06/10

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(10)70529-0 
I. Bermejo 1, I. Maier 1, D. Ruf 1, H. Pessentheiner 1, M. Berger 1, M. Härter 1, 2
1 Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau 
2 Institute and Policlinic for Medical Psychology, University Medical Center Hambug-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany 

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With respect to mental health disorders, there are cultural and migration-related differences in the personal experience and the way of dealing with them. However, the association between migration experiences and the development and the continuation of mental health disorders respectively, remain unclear. Epidemiological studies on mental health disorders of migrants rarely exist, even though such information is decisive for the appropriate medical care of this target group. We therefore conducted a cross-sectional survey regarding mental health of immigrants in Germany attending in non-health specific counseling agencies of welfare associations. Besides somatization symptoms (Beschwerdeliste (BL)) and symptoms of mental disorders (depression: patients’ health questionnaire (PHQ-D); anxiety: GAD-7; hazardous alcohol consumption: AUDIT), data on the social and occupational situation, as well as on the migration background was acquired. Data of n= 506 immigrants (55.5% female) were analyzed (age: 54.7±12.4). The immigrants stems from the states of the former Soviet Union (n= 196), Turkey (n= 77), Italy (n= 95) and Spain (n= 67). Overall, 27.1% show evidence for a somatization disorder, 15.8% for a depressive disorder and 23.1% for increased anxiety (GAD-7 ≥ 5). 16.0% of the respondents show evidence of hazardous alcohol consumption. The study provides empirically profound information about the mental health of immigrants, who attend non-health specific counseling agencies. The analysis, subject to the migration status and socio-demographic factors, allows the development of measures of the enhancement of health care for this group regarding mental health.

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Vol 25 - N° S1

P. 534 - 2010 Retour au numéro
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