
P03-291 - Physical care of people suffering from schizopphrenia on risperidone long acting injectable depot - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)73165-0 
H. Najim 1, R. Rafiq 2, N. Islam 3
1 Mental Health Unit, Basildon Essex, UK 
2 Sept, Basildon Essex, UK 
3 Psychiatry, Basildon Essex, UK 



People with severe mental illness neglect their physical health needs. They smoke a lot, they drink a lot and they don’t do exercise. They eat unhealthy food and put on weight. Unfortunately, the antipsychotic medication don’t help and some of the drugs are associated with side effects which make these problems worse.


Medical notes of patients who has been on risperidone long term injectable depot for a year, from the first of January till the 30th 2008 were reviewed and information were input on the form.


65 notes were reviewed. 70% males. 70% between 18-50 years. The following was done baseline:

50% had physical examination.
25% had pulse, blood pressure and ECG.
Body weight 10%.Triglycerides 20%.
Urea and electrolytes (U&E)15%.
40% had their liver function tests(LFT).
50% had comorbidity with other physical illness.

The following were done on six monthly maintenance measures:

Only 5% had maintenance ECG.
LFT 10%.U&E 30%.
Triglycerides 5%.


Only 50% of patients had physical examination. Only quarter of patients had their BP, pulse and ECG done as a baseline. There was no regular physical follow up and investigation and the investigation which were done sporadically. Physical co-morbidity was 50% of the sample while physical examination and investigations were done in less than half of the sample.


Proper physical assessment and regular follow up should be adopted.

Promotion of healthy living and eating, exercise and monitoring weight should be advised.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 1460 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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  • B. Mykhaylov
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  • P03-292 - Attenuation of long-range temporal correlations in neuronal oscillations in patients with schizophrenia
  • V.V. Nikulin, E.G. Jönsson, G. Curio, T. Brismar

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