
P03-563 - Psychotic disorder after radioactive iodine treatment in a 42-year-old woman thyroidectomized for papillary thyroid carcinoma: case report - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)73437-X 
M. Manea, V. Rusanu, B.E. Patrichi, R.M. Stoean, M.M. Cristina, S.M. Bectas, A.A. Frunza
Psychiatry Clinical Hospital ‘Prof. Dr. Al. Obregia’, Bucharest, Romania 



Reports in the medical literature describe several cases of acute onset psychosis as a result of hypothyroidism, and a small number related to radioactive iodine treatment (RAIT). The effectiveness of RAIT in the therapy of differentiated thyroid cancer depends on a sufficient TSH level elevation obtained by discontinuing thyroid hormone replacement therapy.


Describing a case of new-onset psychotic disorder in a 42-year-old woman following a RAIT session, one year after total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma developed on multinodular goiter.


Identifying a relation between the psychosis onset and the therapeutic protocol the patient underwent for the thyroid disease treatment.


We present the case of a patient with a medical history of thyroid disease, secondary posttraumatic epilepsy and minor thalassemia; the clinical and paraclinical evaluations; the psychiatric presentation, treatment and evolution.


The overt psychotic symptomatology developed in this case a few days after RAIT and led to an emergency psychiatric hospitalization, the laboratory findings showed a TSH value of 75 microunits/ml. The psychotic episode remitted after a month of antypsichotic medication and levothyroxinum replacement therapy. The patient has been receiving psychotropic medication for a year, during which she was readmitted for a depressive episode (6 months after first discharge).


The patient’s psychotic disorder developed after a period of thyroid hormone replacement therapy discontinuation and consecutive to the RAIT session, which indicates that in susceptible individuals there is a risk for psychosis with this therapeutical strategy.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 1733 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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