
P01-389 - Intermed self-assessment: developing an instrument to evaluate biopsychosocial complexity - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)72100-9 
C. Piemonte 1, A. Disavoia 1, S. Ferrari 1, E. Simoni 1, F. Huyse 2, M. Rigatelli 1
1 Psychiatry, University of Modena and Reggio Emlia, Modena, Italy 
2 Indipendent Consultant, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 



INTERMED is a method to assess biopsychosocial case complexity and a screening instrument to identify patients with multiple care needs. It is based on an interview, brief and easy to use, that can be conducted also by a nurse. Various studies in the last 10 years have confirmed its face-validity and reliability as a clinimetric tool. Its self-assessment version (IM-SA) was developed for further implementation in clinical settings.


To evaluate language, structure and fluency of the IM-SA questionnaire.


IM-SA, Italian version 1.0, was administered to 25 patients admitted to an internal medicine ward and to other 25 in the waiting room of a Primary Care outpatient clinic. At the end of the questionnaire, nine extra-questions were specifically added to evaluate comprehension and difficulties encountered by patients while filling in the questionnaire.


Patients admitted to the hospital scored higher and were found to be “more complex” (p<.01). 90% of respondents found the questionnaire easy to answer and 96% answered that the structure of the sentences was not too complex. The majority of patients found IM-SA useful and/or interesting. Contradictions in results also were found, suggesting need for improvement of structural and linguistic properties of the tool.


IM-SA seems to be a feasible and reliable self-assessment method to evaluate biopsychosocial complexity. Further similar studies in different languages are being organized to reach a final version of IM-SA, which will be afterwards compared to the IM professional interview.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 392 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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