
The “black box” warning and allergy drugs - 15/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.jaci.2005.08.060 
Donald W. Aaronson, MD, JD, MPH
From the Finch University School of Health Sciences, Chicago Medical School 

Reprint requests: Donald W. Aaronson, MD, JD, MPH, 3500 N Lake Shore Dr, #9C, Chicago, IL 60657.

North Chicago, Ill


In the past years, several drugs commonly used by allergy specialists have received a “black box” warning added to their package insert at the direction of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A “black box” warning is the highest level of 5 possible warning categories found in the package insert. The FDA has never articulated the basis for “black box” warnings. They generally appear to be based on clinical data, but occasionally can be based on serious animal toxicity. In the last several years, several drugs commonly used by allergists have received recommendations for “black box” warnings. Long-acting β-agonists (salmeterol and formoterol) received “black box” warnings because of reports of the occurrences of severe asthma exacerbations in some patients with asthma, with some associated death. Topical calcineurin inhibitors (tacrolimus and pimecrolimus) received a recommendation for application of a “black box” warnings because of a possible increase of cancer developing in patients taking these drugs. Although the addition of a “black box” warning was recommended by the FDA Pediatric Advisory Committee for these 2 topical agents, the FDA has not yet implemented this warning. Informed consent principles require that a patient be adequately informed of the risks (among other components) of any recommended treatment. The risks, as described, of the long-acting β-agonists and topical immunosuppressants should be presented to the patients to aid them in deciding whether they are willing to take these drugs when recommended by their physician.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Key words : “Black box” warning, long-acting β-agonists, topical immunosuppressive agents, informed consent, Food and Drug Administration

Abbreviations used : FDA, SMART


© 2006  American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 117 - N° 1

P. 40-44 - janvier 2006 Retour au numéro
Article précédent Article précédent
  • “Black box” 101: How the Food and Drug Administration evaluates, communicates, and manages drug benefit/risk
  • Shirley Murphy, Rosemary Roberts
| Article suivant Article suivant
  • Response profiles to fluticasone and montelukast in mild-to-moderate persistent childhood asthma
  • Robert S. Zeiger, Stanley J. Szefler, Brenda R. Phillips, Michael Schatz, Fernando D. Martinez, Vernon M. Chinchilli, Robert F. Lemanske, Robert C. Strunk, Gary Larsen, Joseph D. Spahn, Leonard B. Bacharier, Gordon R. Bloomberg, Theresa W. Guilbert, Gregory Heldt, Wayne J. Morgan, Mark H. Moss, Christine A. Sorkness, Lynn M. Taussig, for the Childhood Asthma Research and Education Network of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute ∗

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