
Paleodermatoses: lessons learned from mummies - 24/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0190-9622(03)00914-9 
Eve Judith Lowenstein, MD, PhD a,
a Department of Dermatology, SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York, USA 

*Reprint requests: Eve J. Lowenstein, MD, PhD, 450 Clarkson Ave, Box #46, Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA.


Mummies, the preserved remains of living beings from former times, bear witness across millennia to the maladies plaguing humankind. Disease, older than humanity, is better understood when examined in the context of history. Paleopathology, literally meaning “ancient suffering”, is the study of disease through evaluation of ancient remains. This area of increasing medical interest offers insights into the management of public health issues and disease epidemiology. This article provides an introduction and overview to paleodermatology, the branch of dermatology concerned with the evaluation of diseases associated with the integument by examination of ancient human remains. Mummy sources, how they were made and used throughout history, and the multidisciplinary approach used to study skin diseases found in mummies is briefly described. Despite pervasive pseudopathology, a remarkable array of diseases are well substantiated in the paleorecord, including infectious, heritable, nutritional, hormonal, acquired, iatrogenic, and neoplastic disorders. Legitimate ethical concerns have been raised in the use of human remains for any purpose, with the lack of informed consent eliciting accusations of exploitation. While these studies are undertaken with certain risks, such as the acquisition of potentially dangerous or extinct infections, paleodermatology offers a unique and historical perspective on the afflictions of the skin and the way of all flesh.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


 Supported by a Research Fellowship from the Research Foundation of the SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn.
Conflicts of interest: None identified.

© 2004  American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 50 - N° 6

P. 919-936 - juin 2004 Retour au numéro
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  • Justin J Vujevich, Anthony J Mancini
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