
569 – Practice in mental health services in argentine prison - 09/07/13

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)75851-6 
G.N. Jemar 1, 2, R.J. Ninci 3, J.B. Jemar 4
1 Hospital Jose T. Borda 
2 Hospital Clínic of Barcelona Jose T. Borda, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires 
3 RINNCA, Santiago Del Estero Capital 
4 RINNCA, Cordoba Capital, Argentina 


The need to understand the behavior of prison becomes a complex process of searching for an effective approach from medicine and especially from the area of psychiatry that improves the quality of life for those members of our society who are under this type of system, and who suffer from diseases that your personal and family history, the environment in which they developed, the circumstances that led them to have to spend a large part of his life under the prison system, and all the features of this, influencing the development of the structure of the personality. The cultural characteristics of the environment in question, training of personnel responsible for the safety and health of residents deprived of their liberty, the building conditions, hygiene and food, are intervening variables that influence the process of behavioral adaptation and to shape the type and quality of life of this population while staying in a lapse prison system, and that will determine how future social interaction. It hopes to achieve a theoretical framework from which achieves an approximation to a psychiatric clinical reasoning for understanding the behavior of the residents of a prison service, and develop therapeutic alternatives that allow different tools approach propose to limit the negative impact on the structure of personality, and the detection and interpretation of behaviors that prevent distorting social adaptation current and future residents deprived of their liberty.

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Vol 28 - N° S1

P. 1 - 2013 Retour au numéro
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  • 566 – Depression- self estimation at the health center of niš non-medical staff
  • N. Ilic, V. Ilic
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  • 570 – Cognitive therapy in schizophrenia: clinical applications in institutionalized patients
  • G.N. Jemar, R.J. Ninci, J.B. Jemar

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