
EPA-0895 – Psychoeducation for bipolar patients: group therapy in an outpatient setting of a public hospital in france - 01/08/14

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78222-7 
D. Goujon 1, 2, V. Lebouc 2, P. Grandin 2, C. Mirabel-Sarron 2, P. Gorwood 2, F. Rouillon 2
1 CHI Poissy, Poissy, France 
2 CMME, THECC-Art, CH Sainte Anne 


A new group has been integrated in a French network for psychoeducation.


we formed a small group of patients. All members were seen individually before they were integrated the group and informed about the aims and importance of the therapy. At each session, there was a psychiatrist, at least one clinical psychologist and a nurse present. The sessions lasted one hour and a half and used different types of supports (paper, video, brochures, books). The patients participated actively and were motivated and enthusiastic. They had information about the bipolar disease, worked on their life-chart and learned some CBT tools. At the beginning of each session, they received our written summary of the previous one. An evaluation sheet was circulated at the last session in order to evaluate the impact of the therapy.


none of the patients was hospitalized during the whole fifteen sessions therapy. The paper considers the cases of drop outs.


the experience was very beneficial for patients, their families and the therapists. In response to participants’ request a monthy consolidation session has been organized which participants can attend if they feel a need. A family group (family members and friends) of participants is also scheduled at our outpatient setting. The group of therapists will have a collaborative discussion before planning a new session of the therapy.

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Vol 29 - N° S1

P. 1 - 2014 Retour au numéro
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  • I. Barradas, P. Alves, L. Quintela, A. Fonte
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  • M. Brenha, P. Teixeira

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