
Exercise programme in patients with cystic fibrosis: A randomized controlled trial - 09/08/14

Doi : 10.1016/j.rmed.2014.04.022 
Paula Maria Eidt Rovedder a, , Josani Flores b, Bruna Ziegler b, Fernanda Casarotto c, Patrícia Jaques b, Sergio Saldanha Menna Barreto b, Paulo de Tarso Roth Dalcin d
a Faculdade de Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil 
b UFRGS, Brazil 
c Faculdade de Medicina, UFRGS, Brazil 
d Serviço de Pneumologia, HCPA, Faculdade de Medicina, UFRGS, Brazil 

Corresponding author. Rua Domingos Crescêncio 185/502CEP: 90650-090, Brazil. Tel.: +55 51 32171757.



Assess the effects of a home exercise programme, based on aerobic training and muscle strength training, in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), for a period of 3 months.


Randomised controlled clinical experiment, with an analysis of intention to treat including clinically stable patients with CF and of age ≥ 16. Assessments include: a 6 min walk test (6 MWT), one-repetition maximum strength test (1 RM), spirometry and quality of life questionnaires. The patients randomised for the exercise group exercise group followed a home exercise protocol, supervised by telephone, while the control group maintained their usual activities.


41 Patients were included, 22 in the control group and 19 in the exercise group. The exercise group presented a significant increase in muscle strength in upper limbs (UULL) on the 1 RM test. There was no significant difference between groups on the scores for general quality of life and specifically for CF and in the distance walked on the 6 MWT.


The study demonstrated that a home exercise programme had positive effects in adult patients with CF, including gain in muscle strength in UULL. No increase in tolerance to exercise was shown and improvement in the quality of life of the patients who received intervention.

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Keywords : Cystic fibrosis, Home exercise programme, Aerobic training, Muscle strength training


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Vol 108 - N° 8

P. 1134-1140 - août 2014 Retour au numéro
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