
Description of 101 cases of nipple cracks and risk factors via case–control study in eight units of a perinatal network - 01/01/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.arcped.2019.10.011 
B. Branger
and The

Breastfeeding Commission of the Pays de la Loire Birth Safety Network (France)

 Pays de la Loire Birth Safety Network, 3, rue Marguerite Thibert, 44200 Nantes, France 

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Nipple crack are a frequent complication of breastfeeding, causing pain for the mother and feeding difficulties for the baby with the risk of early cessation of breastfeeding. The characteristics of nipple cracks have rarely been described. Treatment varies according to the period of breasfeeding and the maternity ward. Eight maternity wards in a perinatal health network in western France followed up maternal nipple cracks. The cracks were described and their treatment was noted. The variables regarding the mothers, delivery conditions, health of newborns, and their ability to breastfeed were analyzed. Each case patient was matched with a control patient who was in a room adjacent to the case patient. Case–control analysis was univariate, followed by multivariate analysis via logistic regression (SPSS 20.0) with adjusted odds ratios (aOR). In all, 101 cases of women with nipple cracks were studied. The cracks were predominantly located in the upper external quadrants as well as in the central part of the nipple. There were no lateralization effects (right or left). The most frequent treatments after breastfeeding were oils, hydrophilic gel, and maternal milk. Compared with the 101 controls without cracks, the features associated with cracks in multivariate analysis were fair skin (aOR=1.92 [1.01–3.60]; P=0.04), history of nipple cracks (aOR=11.38 [3.69–35.13]; P=0.0001), first breastfeeding (aOR=4.21 [1.27–13.86]; P=0.018), and normal weight or no obesity (aOR=0.33 [0.14–0.75]; P=0.008). Two more specific analyses were performed in primiparous and multiparous women. In conclusion, the practitioners learned to describe nipple cracks and analyze their treatments. Knowledge of the risk factors should enable practitioners to propose active prevention to mothers with fair skin, a history of cracks, or a lack of experience in breastfeeding by helping them to breastfeed during the first days of their infant's life, especially for primiparous and overweight or obese women.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Nipple crack, Fair skin, Breastfeeding


© 2019  French Society of Pediatrics. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 27 - N° 1

P. 45-50 - janvier 2020 Retour au numéro
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