
Posterior jaws rehabilitation with < 7mm-short implants. A review - 24/05/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.jormas.2021.09.010 
Giuseppe Lizio , Gerardo Pellegrino, Pietro Felice
 Unit of Oral Surgery, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences (DIBINEM), University of Bologna, Italy 

Corresponding author at: Oral Surgery Unit, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science (DIBINEM), University of Bologna, Via San Vitale 59, 40125, Bologna, Italy.Oral Surgery Unit, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Science (DIBINEM), University of BolognaVia San Vitale 59, 40125BolognaItaly



The results with shorter and shorter implants have been revolutionizing the implantology scenario and are worthy of being well-analyzed and understood. This review aims to add further knowledge about the last 10-years observation period on < 7mm-short implants in the posterior atrophic jaws, better defining the indication of their use.


From a Medline database research, systematic reviews, controlled and no- controlled trials (CT, n-CT) with ≥ 3years-follow-ups on <7 mm / ≥ 5mm-short implants (group A), and clinical studies with ≥ 1year-follow-up on 4mm-short implants (group B) were considered. The outcomes, in terms of implant survival rate (SR), marginal bone loss (MBL), and complications were analyzed according to the duration of follow-ups, implant site (maxilla and mandible), type of prosthesis (single crown or splinted units), vertically impaired or normal sites.


Thirty-four trials (28 for group A and six for group B) were selected. Group A: a mean follow up of 5,8 (3-10) years came out; pre-and post-loading SR range was 94.4- 100% and 89.6-100%, respectively; the range of MBL was 0.12-1.49; 50% of CT found less statistically significant surgical complications in comparison with standard implants (ST) in reconstructed sites, while major prosthetic problems were recorded with short -implants (SH) in 37.5% of CT; in no atrophied sites, a mean SR range of 86.7-100 % vs. 88-100 % and a total bone loss of 2 vs.1.6 for SH vs.ST emerged. Group B: the overall mean follow-up period was 2,3 years, and the pre-and post- SR ranges were 93-100 % and 87.5-100 %, respectively. The MBL range was 0.02- 0.63 mm. All RCT reported significantly fewer surgical complications with SH than with ST in reconstructed mandibles within one year. No prosthetic complications were reported for up to 5 years using no pontics or cantilevers fixed bridges.


Similar or even better results for SH than ST in terms of post-loading SR and MBL came out for < 7mm/ ≥ 5mm-short implants in atrophic bone regardless of the prosthetic solutions, with less surgical complications but a few more prosthetic problems; the good results up to 5 years for 4mm-short implants in mandibles are associated with splinted and no-risk prosthetic solutions.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Short implants, Review, Survival rate, Marginal bone resorption

Abbreviation : SR, SH, ST, MBL, CT, RCT, n-CT


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Vol 123 - N° 3

P. e45-e56 - juin 2022 Retour au numéro
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