
MOXAIC: A classification of major maxillofacial wounds, concerning 310 cases - 29/09/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.jormas.2021.10.016 
Ha H. Nguyen , Truc T. Vu, Anh M. Bui, Giang V. Dao, Huyen T.T. Tran, Linh N. Do
 Department of Maxillofacial – Plastic – Aesthetic Surgery, Viet-Duc University Hospital, 40 Trang Thi, Hanoi, Viet Nam 

Corresponding author.



Although classification for facial fractures have been extensively described in the literature, corresponding systems for major maxillofacial wounds (MMW) are few. We would like to present MOXAIC: a new classification system for MMW.

Material and methods

A retrospective study of 310 patients with MMW who underwent emergency operation between January 2005 and December 2016. MMW was defined as a facial wound longer than 10 cm, which includes damage to the craniofacial bone or other important facial structures such as the carotid arteries, facial nerves, parotid gland, Stensen's duct, or the eye. All the patients were followed at least 36 months.


Based on the shape of the wound, the severity, and the mechanism of injury we were able to classify the MMW into five types: O, X, A, I, C. For each wound type we then looked at the treatment required and the outcome, objectively classified as good, satisfactory, or poor, concerning anatomical correction, aesthetics, and function.

+ Type O-Circumferential wound: 81.6% result good.

+ Type X-Oblique wound: only 48.1% good, despite initial multidisciplinary approach.

+ Type A-Transverse facial wound: 78.1% good.

+ Type I-Direct wound: Immediate airway management and hemorrhage control are important. 48.8% good.

+ Type C-Cut wound: 88.1% good.

The above classification was named MOXAIC which is a mnemonic of 'Maxillofacial' and the five wound types: O, X, A, I, C.


This classification is highly reproducible, easy to use, and allows quick treatment work up and prognosis. However, this classification requires further specialist review and study.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Facial trauma, Major maxillofacial wound, Classification facial wound


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Vol 123 - N° 5

P. e569-e575 - octobre 2022 Retour au numéro
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