
LncRNA CCAT2 promotes tumorigenesis by over-expressed Pokemon in non-small cell lung cancer - 11/02/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2016.12.122 
Zhihong Zhao , Ju Wang, Shengfa Wang, Hao Chang, Tiewa Zhang, Junfeng Qu
 Department of Thoracic Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, China 

Corresponding author at: No. 23 Youzheng Street, Nangang District, Harbin 150001, China.

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Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains one of the most important death-related diseases, with poor effective diagnosis and less therapeutic biomarkers. LncRNA colon cancer-associated transcript 2 (CCAT2) was identified as an oncogenic lncRNA and over-expressed in many tumor cells. The aims of this study were to detect the correlation between CCAT2 and its regulatory genes and then explore the potential mechanism between them in NSCLC.


In this study, qRT-PCR was used to detect CCAT2, Pokemon and p21 expression. Western-blot was used to detect protein levels of Pokemon and p21. CCK-8 assay and Transwell chambers were used to assess cell viability and invasion.


CCAT2 and Pokemon were over-expressed in NSCLC tissue and cells. In NSCLC cells, CCAT2 knockdown significantly decreased cell viability and invasion as well as Pokemon expression, but increased the expression of p21; then CCAT2 overexpression revealed an opposite result. In addition, over-expressed Pokemon reversed the results that induced by si-CCAT2, while down-regulation of Pokemon significantly reversed the results that induced by CCAT2 overexpression.


The results indicated that CCAT2 promotes tumorigenesis by over-expression of Pokemon, and the potential mechanism might relate to the Pokemon related gene p21.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Non-small cell lung cancer, CCAT2, Pokemon, p21, Cell viability and invasion


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Vol 87

P. 692-697 - mars 2017 Retour au numéro
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