
Saghro Group in the Ougnat Massif (Morocco), an evidence for a continuous Cadomian basin along the northern West African Craton - 29/04/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.crte.2017.01.001 
André Michard a, , Abderrahmane Soulaimani b, Hassan Ouanaimi c, Youssef Raddi d, e, Lahsen Aït Brahim d, Ech-Cherki Rjimati e, Lahssen Baidder f, Omar Saddiqi f
a Université Paris-Sud (Orsay), 10, rue des Jeûneurs, 75002 Paris, France 
b Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, P.O. Box 2390, Marrakech, Morocco 
c École normale supérieure, Cadi Ayyad University, BP S2400, Marrakech, Morocco 
d Department “Sciences de la Terre”, Faculty of Sciences Agdal, Mohamed V University, BP 1014, Rabat Agdal, Morocco 
e Direction de la géologie, ministère de l’Énergie et des Mines, Rabat Institute, B.P. 6208, Haut Agdal, Rabat, Morocco 
f Geosciences Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences Aïn Chock, Hassan II University, BP 5366 Maârif, Casablanca, Morocco 

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The Saghro Group (SG) is a folded, low-grade volcano-sedimentary series up to 8km thick that crops out within and to the north of the Pan-African suture zone in the central and eastern Anti-Atlas. Here we describe the SG of the Ougnat inliers that are exposed in the easternmost Anti-Atlas beneath the unconformable, Late Ediacaran Ouarzazate Group (OZG) volcanic rocks. The Ougnat SG mostly consists of volcaniclastic greywackes accumulated in a peritidal-to-shallow basin. The basin infilling was deformed by NNE-trending, mostly upright folds with axial-planar slaty cleavage and low-grade metamorphism. The deformed SG rocks were intruded by the ∼550 Ma Mellab hypovolcanic granodiorite. The latter also crosscuts the lowest OZG rocks that are dated to 574–571 Ma in the western Saghro region. The SG rocks that form the Siroua and Saghro inliers have an oldest age of 620–610 Ma and were folded at ∼610–580 Ma at the onset of the Cadomian orogenic events. We show that the SG rocks are similar to the “Série verte” (SV) rocks that are exposed in the Ougarta and western Hoggar east of the Pan-African suture. We infer that the SG and SV rocks accumulated in a same, continuous basin that was bounding the West African Craton to the north and the east. This strongly subsiding basin formed close to a volcanic arc and was folded during the last Pan-African synmetamorphic events. Fold orientation and age of folding differ however along the edge of the West African Craton. The orogenic greywackes that form the remnants of the SG-SV basin thus constitute a precious record of the diachronic Cadomian event s.l. along the West African Craton northern margin.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Pan-African, Cadomian, Anti-Atlas, Ougarta, Hoggar


© 2017  Académie des sciences. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 349 - N° 2

P. 81-90 - mars 2017 Retour au numéro
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