
Access to mechanical thrombectomy for cerebral ischaemia: A population-based study in the North-of-France - 15/06/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.neurol.2018.12.010 
D. Leys a, b, c, , N. Dequatre-Ponchelle c, M. Ferrigno a, c, H. Henon b, c, F. Mounier-Vehier d, S. Moulin a, b, c, B. Casolla a, b, c, R. Tortuyaux c, M. Chochoi f, C. Moreau a, b, f, I. Girard-Buttaz e, J.-P. Pruvo a, b, g, P. Goldstein h, C. Cordonnier a, b, c
on behalf of the


  See Appendix A.

a University of Lille, 59800 Lille, France 
b Inserm U1171, 59800 Lille, France 
c Stroke unit, neurology clinic, CHU Lille, 59800 Lille, FFrance 
d Stroke unit, Lens hospital, neurology clinic, 59800 Lille, France 
e Stroke unit, Valenciennes hospital, neurology clinic, 59800 Lille, France 
f Neurology clinic, CHU Lille, 59800 Lille, France 
g Neuroradiology department, CHU Lille, 59800 Lille, France 
h Emergency department, SAMU 59, CHU Lille, 59800 Lille, France 

Corresponding author. Department of neurology, Stroke unit, Lille university hospital, 59000 Lille, France.Department of neurology, Stroke unit, Lille university hospitalLille59000France
Sous presse. Épreuves corrigées par l'auteur. Disponible en ligne depuis le Saturday 15 June 2019
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Background and purpose

Hospitals admitting acute strokes should offer access to mechanical thrombectomy (MT), but local organisations are still based on facilities available before MT was proven effective. MT rates and outcomes at population levels are needed to adapt organisations. We evaluated rates of MT and outcomes in inhabitants from the North-of-France (NoF) area.


We prospectively evaluated rates of MT and outcomes of patients at 3 months, good outcomes being defined as a modified Rankin scale (mRS) 0 to 2 or like the pre-stroke mRS.


During the study period (2016–2017), 666 patients underwent MT (454, 68.1% associated with intravenous thrombolysis [IVT]). Besides, 1595 other patients received IVT alone. The rate of MT was 81 (95% confidence interval [CI] 72–90) per million inhabitants-year, ranging from 36 to 108 between districts. The rate of IVT was 249 (95% CI 234–264) per million inhabitants-year, ranging from 155 to 268. After 3 months, 279 (41.9%) patients who underwent MT had good outcomes, and 167 (25.1%) had died. Patients living outside the district of Lille where the only MT centre is, were less likely to have good outcomes at 3 months, after adjustment on age, sex, baseline severity, and delay.


The rate of MT is one of the highest reported up to now, even in low-rate districts, but outcomes were significantly worse in patients living outside the district of Lille, and this is not only explained by the delay.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Stroke, Cerebral ischaemia, Cerebral infarct, Stroke care, Stroke management, Thrombectomy, Thrombolysis, Population-based study


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