
Cardiovascular risk and rheumatoid arthritis: clinical practice guidelines based on published evidence and expert opinion - 01/01/06

Doi : 10.1016/j.jbspin.2006.01.014 
Thao Pham a, Laure Gossec b, Arnaud Constantin c, Stephan Pavy d, Eric Bruckert e, Alain Cantagrel c, Bernard Combe f, René-Marc Flipo g, Philippe Goupille h, Xavier Le Loët i, Xavier Mariette j, Xavier Puéchal k, Thierry Schaeverbeke l, Jean Sibilia m, Jacques Tebib n, Daniel Wendling o, Maxime Dougados b,
a Service de rhumatologie, CHU de la Conception, Marseille, France 
b Service de rhumatologie B, hôpital Cochin, 27, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Jacques, 75014 Paris, France 
c Service de rhumatologie, CHU Rangueil, Toulouse, France 
d Service de rhumatologie A, CHU Cochin, 75014 Paris, France 
e Service d'endocrinologie-métabolisme, CHU Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris, France 
f Service d'immunorhumatologie, CHU Lapeyronie, Montpellier, France 
g Service de rhumatologie, CHRU Roger-Salengro, Lille, France 
h Service de rhumatologie, CHU Trousseau, Tours, France 
i Service de rhumatologie, CHU de Rouen, Rouen, France 
j Service de rhumatologie, CHU Bicêtre, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France 
k Service de rhumatologie, centre hospitalier, Le Mans, France 
l Service de rhumatologie, CHU Pellegrin-Tripode, Bordeaux, France 
m Service de rhumatologie, CHU Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France 
n Service de rhumatologie, CHU Lyon-Sud, Pierre-Bénite, France 
o Service de rhumatologie, CHU Jean-Minjoz, Besançon, France 

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This project was supported by a grant from Abbott France



To develop clinical practice guidelines for the evaluation and management of cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), using the evidence-based approach and expert opinion.


Recommendations were developed using the evidence-based approach and expert opinion: A scientific committee used a Delphi procedure to select five questions, which formed the basis for developing the recommendations; Evidence providing answers to the five questions was sought in the literature; Based on this evidence, recommendations were developed by a panel of experts.


The recommendations were as follows: 1) In patients with RA, attention should be given to the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is responsible for an excess burden of morbidity and mortality; 2) It must be recognized that RA may be an independent cardiovascular risk factor. Persistent inflammation is an additional risk factor; 3) The cardiovascular risk should be evaluated, and modifiable risk factors should be corrected; 4) In patients with RA requiring glucocorticoid therapy, the need for cardiovascular risk minimization is among the reasons that mandate the use of the minimal effective dose; 5) It should be recognized that methotrexate may protect against cardiovascular mortality in patients with RA; 6) It should be recognized that TNF antagonists remain contraindicated in patients with RA and severe heart failure. TNF antagonists do not seem to worsen moderate heart failure and may protect against cardiovascular mortality; 7) AFSSAPS recommendations about LDL-cholesterol objectives should be followed, with active RA being counted as a cardiovascular risk factor; 8) In patients with RA, statin therapy should be considered only when cholesterol levels are elevated despite appropriate dietary treatment; 9) RA per se does not indicate aspirin for primary prevention. When aspirin is used for secondary prevention, it should be recognized that concomitant treatment with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may decrease the antiplatelet effects and increase the gastrointestinal side effects of aspirin therapy.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Rheumatoid arthritis, Cardiovascular risk, Everyday medical practice


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Vol 73 - N° 4

P. 379-387 - juillet 2006 Retour au numéro
Article précédent Article précédent
  • Drug combination strategies for osteoporosis
  • Maurice Audran
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  • Methotrexate therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: clinical practice guidelines based on published evidence and expert opinion
  • Stephan Pavy, Arnaud Constantin, Thao Pham, Laure Gossec, Jean-Francis Maillefert, Alain Cantagrel, Bernard Combe, René-Marc Flipo, Philippe Goupille, Xavier Le Loët, Xavier Mariette, Xavier Puéchal, Thierry Schaeverbeke, Jean Sibilia, Jacques Tebib, Daniel Wendling, Maxime Dougados

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